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BOCC Regular Meeting – December 6, 2011



DECEMBER 6, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on December 6, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.  Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.




Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.






























TOTAL  $  1,345,548.00





The following minutes were presented for Board approval:


Budget Workshop held July 11, 2011

Budget Workshop held July 14, 2011

Regular Meeting held September 30, 2011

Regular Meeting held October 4, 2011


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the above listed minutes as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.




A presentation of the Kentucky Colonel Award was made by Barbara Blackburn on behalf of her husband Claude Blackburn to Lou Elliott Jones.  She then explained the origin of the Kentucky Colonel Award to the Board.





Ivan Chubb requested the Board recognize the Sons of AmVets Squadron 88 for their service to our Veterans; specifically the December 3rd luncheon for homeless veterans at the Honor Residence in Gainesville.  There are also plans for a wreath placement ceremony at Rosemary Cemetery in conjunction with the National Wreaths Across America to honor our deceased Veterans on December 10th at 12:00.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Board Chairman signing a letter to the Sons of AmVets Squadron 88 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Tim Haines


HUD Section 108 application.


Mr. Haines spoke to the Board on behalf of Steven H. Gray regarding a HUD Section 108 application and requested approval of a resolution approving and authorizing submission of an application with the U.S. Department of Housing.  He stated Gray, Ackerman & Haines, P.A. are representing Whitestone Capital Partners on a proposed project in Ocala to build an Assisted Living Facility which will have 60 assisted living units, 40 independent living units and 20 Alzheimer’s units.  The planned funding for this project is about $5 million in equity from the developer and $14 million in guaranteed HUD loans to the developer for this project.  The HUD loans will come through the CDBG.  SinceLevyCountyis a non-assessed community, unlikeMarionCountyand the City ofOcala, it gets it’s funding through the State.  UponLevyCountyauthorizing application of these funds, they can become directly available to the developer once approval is granted by the State ofFloridaand HUD National.   The benefit toLevyCountyand the reason it is asked to participate in this project is:


1.     LevyCountyis adjacent toMarionCounty.

2.     LevyCounty, likeMarionCountyis an underserved county for Senior Services.

3.      By virtue of the provision of funds based upon its request,LevyCountyresidents will get priority in the beds and units in the Senior Housing Facility, equivalent to 86%.

4.      This will not compete with any private enterprises.


Comm. Stevens asks if there is anyone in the audience to speak for or against this item.

Mr. Schofield asks a question regarding the 86% available toLevyCountyresidents

Barney Cannon stated he has doubts regarding this proposal and is against it.


The Commissioners then asked questions to Mr. Haines and the Public Hearing was closed at 9:32 A.M.





Connie Asbell, Supervisor of Elections

A.    Appointment ofCountyCommissionerto the Canvassing Board.


Mrs. Asbell requested approval of Comm. Bell and Comm. Stevens to be appointed to the Canvassing Board for the 2012 election cycle.


Comm. Bell made a motion the appoint Comm. Bell and Comm. Stevens to the Canvassing Board as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mike West, 911 Addressing Coordinator

A.    Request approval for the CenturyLink Evergreen Software contract.  This contract provides coverage on the Evergreen for 10/23/11 – 10/22/12.


Mr. West requested Board approval of the CenturyLink Evergreen Software contract for their 911 system.  The cost of the Evergreen, $15,012.99 is covered by a grant received from the State E911 Board.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the renewal of the contract as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.







Fred Moody,CountyCoordinator

A.    Redistricting update, present proposed map.


Mr. Moody presented a proposed updated redistricting map to the Commissioners, explaining adjustments to some of the District lines.


B.     Request motion to adopt resolutions 2011-64 and 2011-65 electing to withdraw from the Public Risk Management pool.


Mr. Moody requested approval of Resolutions 2011-64 and 2011-65 electing to withdraw from the Public Risk Management pool and suggested the Board to go out for bids for both.  Atty. Brown explained notifying Public Risk Management is the first step to inform them we will be going out for bids.  A second notice would need to be sent in order to leave Public Risk Management and, if not,LevyCountywould stay in the pool.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve Resolutions 2011-64 and 2011-65 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

A.    Requesting a transfer of three Levy County Transit Supervisors’ vehicles to the Department of Public Safety.  All three vehicles have clear titles.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval of an agreement allowing shared usage of a Public Safety owned bariatric unit with the Transit Department and the following vehicle transfers:


Transfer from Public Safety to Road Department one surplus ambulance vehicle.

Remove from Public Safety inventory an S-10 Blazer which is no longer usable and offer it to any other Department, if they can use it.

Transfer three vehicles from Transit to Public Safety.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the vehicle transfers as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





James Shields

A.      Request approval of the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Shirley Conroy Rural Area Capital Assistance Support Grant.


Mr. Shields requested on behalf of Ms. Painter Board approval of the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Shirley Conroy Rural Area Capital Assistance Support Grant.  Mr. Moody explained the total amount is $69,223 and the County’s portion is $6,922.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve application of the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Shirley Conroy Rural Area Capital Assistance Support Grant as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.      Request approval for amendment #3 of the Medicaid Non-Emergency Agreement between the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Commission and the Levy County Board ofCountyCommission; purpose of the amendment is a net increase of $10,498.


Mr. Shields requested Board approval of Amendment #3 of the Medicaid Non-Emergency Subcontracted Transportation Provider Agreement between the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Commission and the Levy BOCC.  Mr. Moody explained the agreement is increased by $10,498 and the monthly breakdown is listed in the agreement.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Amendment #3 of the Medicaid Non-Emergency Subcontracted Transportation Provider Agreement as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.      Request approval to purchase three (3) vehicles from the Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid Award.


Mr. Shields requested Board approval to purchase three vehicles from the Florida Sheriff’s Association Bid Award.  He explained these three vehicles would replace the three vehicles to be donated to the Public Safety Department.

After review of the vehicle quotes and discussion by the Commissioners, this item was TABLED with a request for comparable quotes from local vendors of basic vehicles with no extras.


D.      Request to donate one 2003 bus (wrecked and salvaged) to Suwannee Valley Transit; Gwen Pra.


Mr. Shields requested Board approval for the Transit Department to donate a 2003 bus which has been wrecked and is currently located at the Road Department to Gwen Pra at Suwannee Valley Transit.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve donation of the 2003 bus as requested to Gwen Pra at Suwannee Valley Transit.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.






Dick Tummond

A.    Request motion to approve Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Christine J. Campbell, PA #508.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Christine J. Campbell in the amount of $13,260.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Deferred Payment Loan Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Benny Jerrels, Director

A.    Request approval for the 2011-12 Small County Consolidated Grant Agreement for State Assistance and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval of the Small County Consolidated Grant Agreement for State Assistance and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement.  The grant amount is $70,588.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve application of the Small County Consolidated Grant Agreement for State Assistance and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson reported there is now funding for broadband so this is now back up and going.

The Levy County School Foundation Gala will be coming up on January 28th in Chiefland.  He will give more details as the date approaches.

Comm. Johnson stated he would like to set date for a workshop for Commissioners to discuss their goals and priorities for the upcoming year.  The Commissioners agreed to meet on January 3rd following the Regular Board meeting that day and each Commissioner will submit their ideas to the Board office by December 16th so it can be included with the agenda packets for the December 20th regular Board meeting for each Commissioner to review.


Comm. Bell reported there was a good turnout at the Chiefland Christmas parade held this past Saturday.


Comm. Joyner announced there would be a benefit fish fry lunch this Friday to help two families within the courthouse dealing with cancer.  Donations are accepted.





Barney Cannon spoke of ALF and stated it seems this outfit is dependent on our support to get going.  He stated he would like to have the facility inLevyCounty, rather thanMarionCounty.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – November 22, 2011



NOVEMBER 22, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on November 22, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Marsha Drew

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator– Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.  Osborn Barker gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.






































TOTAL  $     404,378.46





Kenneth A. Thie, Director Veterans Service Office

VFW Department ofFlorida, VA Regional Office,St. Petersburg

A.    Presenting award to Levy County Veterans Service Office


Mr. Thie presented a County Veterans Service Office of the Year plaque recognizing the Veterans Department Director, Mr. Lowyens for his service to Veterans of Levy County and their families.



Sheila Rees, Chief Deputy/Finance Director

A.  Conduct Public Hearing on Resolution 2011-61 for amending the 2010-2011 budget.


Sheila Rees requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-61 amending the 2010-2011 budget.  As advertised, the funds to be increased are:


General Revenue

Road & Bridge

Additional fund balances and Grants approved throughout the year


Additional Grants in the Transportation and 911 Fund


The total increase is $1,676,397, for a total amended budget amount of $60,208,075.


Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone to speak for or against the budget amendment. There were none.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-61, amending the 2010-2011 budget as stated.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Pieklik, Executive Director

A.    Request approval of the Annual Contract between the Board and NCBDC for fiscal year 2011-2012, as reflected in the approved budget.


Mr. Pieklik, the new Executive Director introduced himself to the Board and requested approval of the Annual Contract between the Board and NCBDC for fiscal year 2011-2012 in the amount of $39,940, as reflected in the approved budget.


The Commissioners requested regular updates of the department and Mr. Pieklik agreed this would be done as often as the Board requested.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Annual Contract between the Board and NCBDC for fiscal year 2011-2012, as requested and requested bi-monthly reporting of the Department.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Economic Report from the November 2 “EnterpriseFlorida” meeting inFt.Lauderdale; an examination of Sunshine Laws.


Mr. Diamond stated he had recently attended a meeting of the North Florida Economic Development Council Meeting on October 26th in Live Oak.  Through this meeting he found out about a Grant to attend a meeting inFt.Lauderdale.  He took advantage of this and attended theEnterpriseFlorida board meeting.  At this meeting, Sunshine Laws were discussed and how to change them.  After speaking with the person who was Chair over the meeting, it was requested of any of the Commissioners fromLevyCounty to contact her by e-mail with their opinions.





Patrick Allen, Haven Hospice of Chiefland

A.  Request approval of Proclamation 2011-63, declaring November Hospice/Palliative Care Month inLevyCounty.


Mr. Allen requested Board approval of Proclamation 2011-63, declaring November Hospice/Palliative Care Month inLevyCountyand read the title into public record.

Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve Proclamation 2011-63 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.







Fred Moody

A.    Request Board approve appointment of Lenore Jones to the Board of Directors, representing the public sector forLevyCountyon the Central Florida Community Action Agency for the period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval to appoint Lenore Jones to the Board of Directors, representing the public sector forLevyCountyon the Central Florida Community Action Agency for the period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012.


Comm. Drew made a motion to appoint Lenore Jones to the Board of Directors, representing the public sector forLevyCountyon the Central Florida Community Action Agency as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Dick Tummond

A.    Presenting “Communication Equipment Service Agreement.”


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Communications Service Agreement with Williams Communication which expires on December 6th.  The current contract amount is $54,148.56 and the renewal contract amount is $54,273.60.


A.J. Smith of Williams Communications was present in the audience and answered questions from the Commissioners.


The Commissioners expressed an interest in having a workshop with Williams Communication to discuss future plans.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the renewal of the agreement with Williams Communications as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mr. Tummond reported to the Board the pre-application period had been closed for CDBG Grants this past Friday and there were 53 applicants for housing rehabilitation.  The process of ranking and sorting will begin soon and he will come back to the Board with additional information.





Desiree Painter, General Manager

A.    Request approval of the 2012 Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. Agreement.


Ms. Painter requested Board approval of the 2012 Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. Agreement in the amount of $12,474.70.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the 2012 Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.







Lisa Brasher, Director

A.    Request approval for the “Annual Plan of Service.”


Ms. Brasher requested Board approval of the Annual Plan of Service.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Annual Plan of Service as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


Ms. Brasher informed the Board Library Legislation Day is coming up on February 1st inTallahassee.





David Knowles, Director

A.    Requesting authorization to sign agreements for service with Hughes Network Systems, Inc., Centrelearn and Physio-Control, Inc.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to sign agreements for services with Hughes Network Systems, Inc., Centrelearn and Physio-Control, Inc.


Comm. Drew made a motion to authorize Mr. Knowles to sign the agreements for service with Hughes Network Systems, Inc., Centrelearn and Physio-Control, Inc. as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Presenting organizational update.


Mr. Knowles presented an organizational update for the Board stating there has been some reorganization of staff in order to provide better service.


Mr. Knowles informed the Board of training initiatives where they are working withCentralFloridaCollegebringing simulation equipment for training three times a year.


Mr. Knowles informed the Board the Annual EMS Family Day held on November was a success.


Mr. Knowles then presented an award for Employee of the Year which was voted on by peers, to Saffron Dodd.


Mr. Knowles stated the complete organizational structure for the new Department of Public Safety and conceptual layout will be ready to present to the Board at the last meeting in December.





SallyAnn Collins of Morriston asked the Board what has happened to tax bills for this year as she has not received hers.

It was answered the bills had gone out in today’s mail and they could have been delayed due to software changes.





Comm. Johnson reported of the North Florida Broadband meeting he had attended last week.

Comm. Johnson stated he is interested in having a workshop with the Commissioners on December 20th immediately following the Regular Meeting or in January to prioritize and determine where to put focus for the upcoming year.


State Representative Jimmie Smith spoke to the Board stating he represents Hernando, Citrus andLevyCounty.  He stated he wants to bring his counties together and asked if the Commissioners had any concerns.


Comm. Drew requested unfunded state mandates be looked in to.

Comm. Johnson stated he is concerned about two proposed bills eliminating impact fees.


Comm. Drew thanked everyone who attended the Inglis/Yankeetown Seafood festival.

Comm. Drew stated on December 6th she will be meeting with a group of teenagers from area schools regarding tobacco issues and will be assisting them in drafting a resolution to bring before the Board.


Comm. Bell spoke of a Cedar Key and Chiefland Christmas event and inquired if any of the Commissioners would be interested in participating.


The Chiefland Christmas parade is on December 3rd.

The Fanning Springs and Inglis boat parades are both schedule on the same day.

There is a fish fry fundraiser lunch scheduled for the two families working in the courthouse on December 2nd.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – November 8, 2011



NOVEMBER 8, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on November 8, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:



Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



LevyCountyJudge, James T. Browning administered the swearing in of Mike Joyner, newly appointed Commissioner for District 1.


Chairman Stevens then called the meeting to order at 9:04 A.M.  Comm. Johnson gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.




Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.




































TOTAL  $  1,908,204.73









John Lynn, Manager

Nationwide Retirement Solutions

A.  Presenting the required changes in the Plan Document; due to Federal Legislation (Pension Protection Act) specifically Section 457 (b) Deferred Compensation Plans.

Mr. Lynn presented information regarding the required changes in the Plan Document due to Federal Legislation (Pension Protection Act), specifically Section 457 (b) Deferred Compensation Plans.  He stated this is a housekeeping item and there is no cost involved.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve changes in the Plan Document as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Senator Dean congratulated the Board for having a “full” Board with the addition of Mike Joyner.





Danny Shipp, Clerk of Court

A.  Presenting request fromBronsonCommunityChurchfor a donation of surplus equipment; one HP projector turned in by theEMSoffice.


Mr. Shipp stated he had received a request from theBronsonCommunityChurchfor donation of one HP projector turned in by theEMSoffice and asked the Board if they would be willing to donate the item.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the request fromBronsonCommunityChurchas requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Presenting an Amendment to Agreement betweenLevyCountyandGilchristCounty; sharing costs for office space for the Guardian ad Litem programs.


Mr. Shipp requested Board approval of the Amendment to Agreement betweenLevyCountyandGilchristCounty; sharing costs for office space for the Guardian ad Litem programs.  The Amendment splits all costs between the two counties from 60/40 to 70/30.  This split is calculated each year according to case load.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the Amendment to Agreement as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.




Steven H. Gray

Gray, Ackerman & Haines, P.A.

A.    Request for Levy County to participate with the City of Ocala and Marion County in the HUD Section108 Loan Guarantee for 120 Unit ALF/ILF/ALZ Senior Living Facility.


Mr. Gray presented information to the Board and explained there is an opportunity for funding for a Senior Living Facility to be constructed inMarionCounty. LevyCountywould not be an entitled community, but could participate in the application of CDBG funds to be used for this facility. LevyCountywould receive “priority allocation” at 86% of the facility’s capacity for its residents in return for its participation.  He would come back to the Board at a later date to make a request forLevyCountyto participate.





George O’Bier

Town ofInglis; Zoning & Code Enforcement Officer

A.    Request on behalf of the Town Commission to waive tipping fees for the disposal of solid waste at the sanitary landfill in accordance with Levy County Resolution 2005-07, (adopted March 22, 2005).

Mr. O’Bier requested on behalf of the Town ofInglis Commissionto waive tipping fees for the disposal of solid waste at the sanitary landfill in accordance with Levy County Resolution 2005-07.  They are also asking for satellite disposal dumpsters for residents to dump household garbage instead of having to drive the distance to the landfill.


Comm. Stevens stated he did not see how the landfill fees could not be waived.  The fees are what runs the Landfill.  The Commissioners had concerns of dumping hazardous materials and how this could be monitored.  It was recommended for Mr. O’Bier to contact the Levy County Landfill Director to work something out on this issue.


B.     Request on behalf of the Town Commission permission for a temporary road closure on Saturday, December 10, 2011 for the annual Christmas Parade; closure to include Inglis Avenue and Highway 40 West to the Yankeetown Elementary School.


Mr. O’Bier requested on behalf of the Town Commission permission for a temporary road closure as stated above for the annual Christmas Parade for one to 1 ½ hours.  The parade is scheduled for 4:00 P.M.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the temporary road closure as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Bruce Borders, representing Standing United as Americans spoke regarding the Veterans Day Parade coming up and asked if the Board would be willing to make a contribution to assist with parade expenses.

Comm. Stevens advised Mr. Borders to check with Mr. Moody at the Board office in the afternoon and he will check will the Constitutional officers to see what can be collected.


The meeting recessed at 10:10 A.M.


The meeting reconvened at 10:33 A.M.





Anne Bast Brown,CountyAttorney

A.    Condideration of an offer to settle an outstanding jail lien of $18,200 plus interest (total as of 11/1/11 $25,275) for Jerry Wayne Meeks, made by his attorney-if-fact Carolyn Redmond.


Atty. Brown requested the Board consider an offer to settle an outstanding jail lien of $18,200 plus interest for Jerry Wayne Meeks, made by Carolyn Redmond.  Atty. Brown stated an offer was made by Ms. Redmond in the amount of $15,000.


Comm. Drew made a motion to accept the offer of $15,000 to satisfy the above listed lien for Jerry Wayne Meeks as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Approval of Agreement for legal services with Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A., for legal services related to employment issues. – TABLED –


C.     Adopt Resolution 2011-62 that approves the rescission of Resolution 2011-56.


Atty. Brown requested approval of Resolution 2011-62 and explained this Resolution rescinds the earlier Resolution for the Tiger Grant which had been signed and recorded in error.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-62, rescinding Resolution 2011-56 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.









Fred Moody

A.    Adopt Proclamation 2011-58 recognizing the month of November, 2011 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, as requested by Mrs. Marian Palma Cardona.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of Proclamation 2011-58 recognizing the month of November, 2011 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, as requested by Mrs. Marian Palma Cardona and read the request to the Board.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve Proclamation 2011-58 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Request a Motion to approve the annual agreement for FY 2011-12 with Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of the Annual Agreement for FY 2011-12 with Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.  He stated the amount which had been agreed upon during the budget process was $61,020 with quarterly payments of $15,255.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Annual Agreement for FY 2011-12 with Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.  Request a Motion to approve the annual Consulting Engineer Contract with Mills Engineering Company.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of the annual Consulting Engineer Contract with Mills Engineering Company.  The contract is set to continue with the same terms and conditions as previous annual contract with the principal Engineer rate at $95 per hour.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the annual Consulting Engineer Contract with Mills Engineering Company as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Karen Blackburn

A.    Request approval for 2012CountyHolidays.


Mrs. Blackburn requested Board approval of the proposed 2012CountyHolidaysas follows:


New Years Day                      Monday, January 2, 2012

Martin Luther King Day         Monday, January 16, 2012

Good Friday                           Friday, April 6, 2012

Memorial Day                         Monday, May 28, 2012

Independence Day                  Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Labor Day                               Monday, September 3, 2012

Veterans Day                          Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanksgiving                           Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23, 2012

Christmas                                Monday and Tuesday, December 24 and 25, 2012


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the 2012CountyHolidaysas requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mark S. Johnson, Director

A.    Request to accept the Agreement for Professional Services between Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council (WRPC) andLevyCounty.



Mr. Johnson requested Board approval of the Agreement for Professional Services between Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council (WRPC) andLevyCountyin the amount of $10,500 which is funded by State and Federal funds.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Agreement for Professional Services between Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council andLevyCountyas requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Kelly Jerrels, Director

A.  Request permission to purchase new tracks for the skid steer.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval to purchase new tracks for the skid steer.  The three quotes received are as follows:


FloridaTrack & Power, Inc.   $3,700.00

Heavyquip                               $3,702.48

Ring Power                             $5,548.98


Mr. Jerrels requested approval to purchase fromFloridaTrack & Power, Inc., the low bid.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the purchase of new tracks for the skid steer from Florida Track & Power, Inc. as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.  Seeking Board direction on a project to re-surface NE 42 Place, also known as Levy County Road 511.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board direction on a project to re-surface NE 42 Place, also known as LCR 511.  He stated V.E. Whitehurst is currently paving C318 and can go to this project upon completion.  They gave a quote of $27,890 to resurface LCR 511.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve V.E. Whitehurst paving NE 42 Place, also known as LCR 511 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Dick Tummond, Assistant toCountyCoordinator

A.  Adopt Resolution 2011-59; adopting an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-59 adopting an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.  Having this Policy and the Policy as requested in item B. approved by Resolution is required by the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve both Resolution 2011-59 and 2011-60 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Adopt Resolution 2011-60; adopting a policy relating to Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


C.     Request Board to approve the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Brandon Smith; PA #414.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Brandon Smith; PA #414 in the amount of $17,500.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Brandon Smith as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


D.    Request motion to approve Deferred Payment Agreement for Jason A. and Hope Kegebein; PA #507.

Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Deferred Payment Agreement for Jason A. and Hope Kegebein; PA #507 in the amount of $13,600.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Deferred Payment Agreement for Jason A. and Hope Kegebein as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Bell asked if any of the Commissioners were interested in participating in the Veterans Day Parade on Friday.  Line up will be between 10:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. behind the oldBronsonHigh School.


Comm. Drew reminded everyone of the Inglis /Yankeetown Seafood festival coming up on November 19th and 20th.

Comm. Drew let everyone know there will be a benefit Pancake Breakfast this Thursday from 7:45 A.M. until 9:00 A.M.


Comm. Johnson stated the Chiefland Rotary Dove Shoot will be on November 12th off CR 341 South of Chiefland.  There will be a Bar-B-Q lunch provided at noon.  If anyone is interested, tickets can be purchased from Osborn Barker, Property Appraiser.

FFA Sub-Districts are to be held on December 6th in Williston.

North Florida Broadband has a meeting next Wednesday at 10:00 A.M.  Comm. Johnson stated he will give a report of this meeting at the next November Board Meeting.

If anyone has any Legislative issues they wish to be addressed, please let him know before next Wednesday as this is the date of the Florida Association of Counties Legislative Conference.

There will be a cake/pie auction in the courthouse the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at the luncheon.

The Chiefland High School Student Government will hold there annual cake/pie auction on Monday the 21st at 6:00 P.M.


The meeting recessed at 10:55 A.M.


The workshop reconvened at 1:33 P.M.





Mr. Tummond spoke briefly to the Board about the two County owned Water Systems and introduced William Secoy who then made a presentation to the Board.

William Secoy of Florida Rural Water spoke to the Board about rates and made a Power Point presentation about the Manatee and University Oaks water systems.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Special Meeting – October 24, 2011



OCTOBER 24, 2011



The Special Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on October 24, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:



Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.


Mr. Moody stated the purpose of the meeting was to hear from Steve Tocknell and the Transportation Department in a continuation of the agenda item which he presented on behalf of Ms. Painter during the Regular Board Meeting on October 18th.


Steve Tocknell spoke to the Board with regard to assisting the Transportation Department in application for a Tiger 3 Grant.  The grant is to be used for the rehabilitation of the Transportation Department bus maintenance facilities.


Discussion followed regarding the proposed purchase of property in which to move the bus facilities to.  It was also discussed there were County-owned properties which could be used for this purpose instead of purchasing property such as the Central Florida Electric property, which had been mentioned.


Mr. Moody read Board minutes where this grant was discussed to let the Commissioners know what had been approved up to this point.


Discussion followed regarding the contract with Mr. Tocknell.


Comm. Bell made a motion for a non-agenda item to approve the contract.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Bell then made a motion the approve payment for the contract and completion of the project with the maximum amount of $8,000.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


Atty. Brown asked for clarification if the earlier approved Resolution 2011-56 should be rescinded and a new Resolution be prepared for approval at the November 8th Regular Board Meeting.

Comm. Stevens confirmed Atty. Brown’s statement.





ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens



BOCC Regular Meeting – October 18, 2011



OCTOBER 18, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on October 18, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:



Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.  Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.

CHECK NUMBER  106172-106324






























TOTAL  $  1,505,030.69





The following sets of minutes were presented to the Board for approval:


Regular Meeting held September 6, 2011

Public Hearing held September 8, 2011

Public Hearing held September 19, 2011


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the above listed sets of minutes as presented with changes as explained by Chanda Jordan, Minutes Clerk.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.



Bruce McInnis, Commander VFW Rebel Post #5625

A.    Request approval of Proclamation 2011-55 recognizing Veteran’s Appreciation Week, November 6-12, 2011.


Mr. McInnis and Susan Haines requested Board approval of Proclamation 2011-55 recognizing Veteran’s Appreciation Week, November 6-12, 2011.  Mrs. Haines then read the Proclamation in to public record.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Proclamation 2011-15 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Renate Cannon

A.    Request amendment of Agenda Policy of 2/06/2001, to limit the motion to hear a non-agenda item to definite emergencies only.


Mrs. Cannon spoke to the Board and requested an amendment of the Agenda Policy of 2/06/2001, to limit the motion to hear a non-agenda item to definite emergencies only.


The Commissioners agreed they need to be more aware of this issue, but did not wish to make a change to the Agenda Policy at this time.





Patty Galyean

A.    Request approval and signature on the Certificate of Acceptance for the 2012 Application of the Levy County Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force 20 Grant, through Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Justice Assistance Grant program, $60,300.00.


Mrs. Galyean requested Board approval and signature on the Certificate of Acceptance for the 2012 Application of the Levy County Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force 20 Grant through the FDLE, Justice Assistance Grant program in the amount of $60,300.


Comm. Bell made a motion for approval and signature on the Certificate of Acceptance for the 2012 Application as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Linda Fugate,LevyCountyTax Collector

A.    Request to allow Tax Collector to retain $125,000 of Operating expenses.


Mrs. Fugate requested Board approval to retain $125,000 of their Operating expenses until the first distribution of taxes comes in around mid-November.

Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Tax Collector retaining $125,000 of their Operating expenses as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown

A.    Request Board approve County Road 40 be designated as “Follow That Dream Parkway” from the Yankeetown/Inglis line to the gulf in memorial of the Elvis Presley movie “Follow That Dream” which was filmed at Yankeetown in 1967.


Ms. Clary requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-57 for CR 40 to be designated as “Follow That Dream Parkway” from the Yankeetown/Inglis line to the Gulf.  She stated the Town ofYankeetownwill pay for all signage.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-57 for CR 40 to be designated as “Follow That Dream Parkway” as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Brad Thorpe, CitrusCountyAdministrator

A.    Presentation on the proposed Port Citrus project.


CitrusCountyCommissioner and Commissioner of the Port Authority, Dennis Damato presented information to the Board members regarding Port Citrus as the central sewer and water issues may be of mutual interest to both counties.  Mr. Damato also asked the Board if they would consider joining the Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority.  He invited the Commissioners to attend one of the Water Authority’s upcoming meetings.  The next meeting is Wednesday, October 19th at 4:30 P.M. at the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council inOcala.  Mr. Damato then introduced Brad Thorpe, Citrus County Administrator and Port Director.  Mr. Thorpe gave information on how Port Citrus came to be and the opportunities this could present to the area.





Jeff Harris, Levy County Schools Foundation, President, thanked the Commissioners for their support of the Beast Feast event held recently which raised over $6,500 and had over 225 people attending.  Mr. Harris stated the Foundation is a non-profit organization raising money for allLevyCountypublic schools.  Support is offered in the form of reading programs, classroom grants for innovative teaching ideas and scholarships for graduating students.







Anne Bast Brown

A.    Consideration of an offer to settle the payoff of a SHIP Second Mortgage and Rehabilitation Cost Promissory Note for Connie L. Harper and James Colt Caldwell, and, if accepted, approve a Satisfaction of Mortgage contingent on receipt of settlement of funds from Case Home Finance, LLC, the first mortgage.


Atty. Brown presented for Board consideration an offer to settle the payoff of a SHIP Second Mortgage and Rehabilitation Cost Promissory Note for Connie L. Harper and James Colt Caldwell, and, if accepted, approve a Satisfaction of Mortgage contingent on receipt of settlement of funds from Case Home Finance, LLC, the first mortgage.  The payoff amount is $3,000.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to accept the offer to settle the payoff as presented and approve a Satisfaction of Mortgage.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Fred Moody

A.    Present request from Gilchrist County Board ofCountyCommissionersto provide their leachate hauling service at $330.00 per load; approximately 2 or 3 times per year.


Mr. Moody presented a request from the Gilchrist County Board ofCountyCommissionersfor Levy County Solid Waste to provide their leachate hauling service at $330.00 per load; approximately 2 or 3 times per year.  Mr. Dean had provided this service toGilchristCountyas well as toLevyCounty.  Mr. Jerrels stated it would be possible to provide this service.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the request fromGilchristCountyto haul leachate.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Request authorization to complete and submit application for the Tiger Discretionary Grant with resolution.


Mr. Moody requested Board authorization on behalf of Ms. Painter to complete and submit application for the Tiger Discretionary Grant with Resolution 2011-56.  The grant amount is $1.6 million for improvements and modifications to a site.  He had received a letter from Mike Campbell, General Manager at Central Florida Electric Coop. indicating the property located at 315 NW 11th Ave. in Chiefland could be available as soon as their new facility is completed.

Comm. Stevens stated he had concerns of authorizing this request as the property presented for the Transit Department Bus Maintenance Facility, the Central Florida Electric Coop property, has not yet been presented to the Board.

It was requested for Mr. Moody to call Mr. Tocknell to determine if the Grant would still be granted if the Board chose not to purchase the CFEC property.  The Board will determine whether or not to make a decision on this item when Mr. Moody returns to the meeting.



The meeting recessed at 11:04 A.M.

The meeting reconvened at 11:13 A.M.



After Mr. Moody returned to meeting with response from Mr. Tocknell, the Commissioners agreed they would like to have a Special Meeting next week when Ms. Painter and Mr. Tocknell can both be present.  The meeting will be on Monday, October 24th at 9:00 A.M.


Comm. Johnson gave his opinion on the topic for public record since he would not be present for the meeting stating he is not in favor of spending $1.2 million to buy property and then spend $1.6 million for improvements when there is other county-owned property available.


C.     Kurt Spitzer and Associates proposal for redistricting services.


Mr. Moody presented and requested Board approval of the Kurt Spitzer and Associates proposal for redistricting services shared by the Board of County Commissioners and the Levy County School Board in the total amount of $7,500.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the proposal for redistricting services by Kurt Spitzer and Associates.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Road Superintendent

A.    Request approval for yearly Blanket Utility for New Buried Service Drop Permit between CenturyLink andLevyCounty.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval for yearly Blanket Utility for New Buried Service Drop Permit between CenturyLink andLevyCounty.  This is effective 10-01-11 to 09-30-12 and is for service drops only.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the yearly Blanket Utility for New Buried Service Drop Permit as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Request Board direction for a request from Cedar Key Volunteer Fire & Rescue regarding a temporary debris storage site for Cedar Key.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board direction for a request from the City ofCedar Keyregarding use of a portion of the Road Department FEMA approved temporary storage site located on CR 347 in an emergency event.


Comm. Bell made a motion to move forward with the request from Cedar Key Volunteer Fire & Rescue as stated.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.     Request approval and signature for License Agreement for Public Road Crossing.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval and signature for License Agreement for Public Road Crossing (CR 316).


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve with signature the License Agreement for Public Road Crossing (CR 316).  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


For information to the Board, Mr. Greenlee reported about six months ago he had applied for some County Incentive Grants as well as some SCRAP and SCOP Grants for roads in the county.  He stated the Florida Department of Transportation had included the SCOP Grant he had submitted forShell Mound Roadand two others, CR 40 and CR 464 in its five year work flow program.





Benny Jerrels, Director

A.    Request Board approve the renewal ofLevyCounty’s Service agreement with Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council for fiscal year 2012.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval for the renewal of the Service Agreement betweenLevyCountyand Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council for the fiscal year 2012.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Service Agreement renewal with Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


For information to the Board, Mr. Jerrels reported the Tire Site which had been voted on recently for construction at the Landfill is nearly completed and they will be getting theSmallCountyGrantagain this year.





Comm. Johnson asked everyone to keep in mind the students receiving awards and participating in the FFA National Convention inKansas City,Missouri.

Comm. Johnson reminded the Board of the ChieflandHigh Schoolhomecoming on October 28th.  The parade will be on the 27th.  Williston’s homecoming is on November 4th and Bronson’s is on November 11th.

Comm. Johnson stated he attended a meeting of the Florida Association of Counties in Daytona last month and had started his ACC last week.

Comm. Johnson reported on a recent meeting of the North Florida Broadband.  He had served on the Corrective Action Plan committee and reported he had recommended to the counsel from the attorney’s hired fromWashingtonthat Government Services Group be removed from the project as well as Capital Solutions.  They will meet again tomorrow at 2:00 P.M. in Live Oak but he will not be able to attend.  He asked if Comm. Drew would be able to attend in his place.

Comm. Drew stated she will be at a NACO meeting in Savanna, Georgia from the 26th to the 28th. The Yankeetown Seafood Festival is coming up on November 19th and 20th.

Comm. Bell stated the Fowlers Bluff Annual meeting will be on the 22nd and he will not be able to attend, but Mr. Knowles has agreed to attend in his place.

The 30th Birthday of the Town of Yankeetown is coming up on the 29th and all Commissioners are invited to attend.

The Cedar Key Art Festival was this past weekend and he asked if the Board would want to continue to participate each year.  If so, he can handle the arrangements.

Comm. Bell stated his red truck is available for the upcoming Veterans Day Parade if it is needed.




ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens

BOCC Regular Meeting – October 4, 2011



OCTOBER 4, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on October 4, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:



Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.  Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.






















TOTAL  $     928,446.11




Approval of minutes for the following Board Meetings:


Regular Meeting held September 6, 2011 – TABLED –

Public Hearing held September 18, 2011 – TABLED –

Regular Meeting held September 20, 2011


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting held September 20th with changes as provided.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.









Paul Carlson, Jr., Ph.D., Research Scientist FWC

A.    Wildlife Conservation Commission on behalf of NASA Requesting letter to FAA supporting the project and presentation of the project between FWCC and NASA


Mr. Carlson made a power point presentation to the Board explaining a project to fly Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) from the George T. Lewis airport in Cedar Key. The purpose of the joint project between FWCC and NASA is to study growth rates of sea grasses using remote sensing technology.  With the Board’s permission, they have scheduled two deployments in April and November, 2012.  He also requested authorization for theCountyAdministrator, Mr. Moody and Atty. Brown to review and sign a Letter of Agreement with NASA.


Comm. Drew made a motion to give conditional approval subject to Cedar Key having the presentation and give approval for Mr. Moody and Atty. Brown to review and sign a Letter of Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Richard and Tami Hooper

A.    Request Board waive the 500 square feet living space requirement for a hardship variance dwelling.


Mr. Hooper spoke to the Board and requested a waiver of the 500 square feet living space requirement on their Hardship Variance granted last August.  They are requesting approval to place a “park model” RV with a screened room which does not fall under the required 500 square feet living space.  He provided pictures for the Commissioners and requested the requirement be waived or to consider the screened room part of the living space.

Rob Corbitt spoke to the Board and stated he has no problem with waiving the requirement for this particular request for reasons explained by Mr. Hooper.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the exception on this hardship variance based on information presented for this case.  Second was made by Comm. Bell.


Comm. Johnson amended his motion to include “park model” as the description of dwelling to be placed on the petitioners’ property.  Second was amended by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Robby Blake, representing Lake Johnson Estates residents, provided petitions collected to have the main limerock road in the subdivision paved.  She then read a letter to the Board she had prepared.

Bruce Greenlee stated the road is on the paving list, but there is no new construction at this time, due to the lack of State Funding.

Robert I. James, a resident in Lake Johnson Estates stated the road is ½ mile long.


Jack Schofield thanked the Board for their use of their Recreation funds as this funding has made it possible to have a basketball court in Yankeetown which has been constantly used since it was constructed.


Julie Munden stated she owns home on CR102 and is requested the Board assist in resolving a noise issue from neighbors.  She stated the renters had moved in adjacent from her on September 7th and have been getting electricity for the pre-existing mobile home by a generator.  The generator is extremely loud and runs from 6:00 P.M. until about 10:00 P.M.  She has contacted the Sheriff’s Department to measure the noise and has been informed they do not have a decibel meter.

Comm. Stevens requested Mr. Corbitt get a Deputy to go to the residence with decibel meter to measure the sound level.  The Sheriff’s Department would have to make the determination by use of a decibel meter it the noise from the generator is excessive.

Mr. Moody suggested Comm. Stevens or Mr. Corbitt get in touch with the property owner to get assistance with the renters not having electric hook-up.



Daryl Diamond questioned the Commissioners about the Intergovermental Cooperation element of the Future Comp Plan, Policy 1.1 in which it reads if there is any proposed development that is supposedly impacting multiple jurisdictions and intergovernmental issues, you will convene a County Technical Advisory Committee.  He asked the Board if there is a County Technical Advisory Committee and if not, does the Board think it is needed.  He suggested this may be something the Board would like to look into and address as an agenda item in a month or two.

Drew responds there is not one at the present time, but there is an ongoing development review process which would include a County Technical Advisory Committee and there is a draft being worked on.





Fred Moody

A.    Request approval of Resolution 2011-52; a Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code; Designating Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. as Administrative Services Provider; appoint the Plan Administrator.


Mr. Moody requested approval of Resolution 2011-52; a Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code; Designating Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. as Administrative Services Provider and to appoint the Board Chairman as Plan Administrator.  Mr. Moody read the Resolution title into public record.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-42 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Non-DOC Inmate Work Squad Supervisor Vacancy update.


Mr. Moody stated he had been informed by Lt. Denise Conquest the DOC hiring freeze has been lifted and the inmate work squad has resumed work at Recycling.  He stated Lt. Conquest suggested the County could still hire a Squad Supervisor to take 6 inmates out a time for work in the county.

Comm. Bell suggested checking on where inmates are eligible to work for liability insurance purposes.


Mr. Moody stated the Executive Session scheduled for today had been moved to November 8th.





Jacqueline Martin, Human Resource Manager

A.    Proposed changes to the Personnel Policy and Procedure manual.


Mrs. Martin requested Board approval of three proposed changes to the Personnel Policy and Procedure manual as listed below:


Policy #101 – add the language:  Department Heads of the County are considered “at will” employees.  This means that Department Heads serve at the pleasure of the County and may be separated from employment at any time for any reason subject to applicable employment laws.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the “at will employee” language as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


Policy #207 – add comp time language:  Earned comp time must be recorded and tracked on electronic time records.  Comp time must be used with pay period it is earned or the pay period immediately following.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the “comp time” language as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


Policy #215 – a new policy presented as a requirement of the State ofFlorida Whistle Blowers Act.  The policy language is provided by the Labor Attorney, Wayne Helsby of Allen Norton & Blue.  Mrs. Martin read the policy outline into record.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the new “Whistleblower” policy as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Johnson would like for Mrs. Martin to check with Mr. Helsby on false Whistleblowers and what could be done to deal with this.





Connie Conley,

A.    Request approval for amendment to Trip & Equipment Grant charging billable mileage for escorts.  This has always been in prior contracts but was inadvertently left out.


Mrs. Conley requested Board approval of the amendment to the Trip & Equipment Grant charging billable mileage for escorts.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the amendment as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Shenley Neely, Planning Director

A.  Request Board approval of the renewal ofLevyCounty’s service agreement with the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council for the new fiscal year 2012.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval for the renewal ofLevyCounty’s service agreement with the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council for the new fiscal year 2012.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the renewal ofLevyCounty’s service agreement with the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council for the new fiscal year 2012 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

A.    Monthly Department of Public Safety update.


Mr. Knowles gave an update of the Public Safety Department to the Board stating their Federal Emergency Management Grant for the two transport ambulances has been completed and submitted on time.  Within the Public Safety Department a Public Relations Committee has been created and they have participated in several local events with great public reception.  Mr. Knowles acknowledged the following crews with “Attaboys” for their service this month:  Matthew Cribbs, Shawn Holcomb, Jim Foran, Joe Brooks, Jr., Mike Luzader, Richard Graycheck, Jimmy Jones and Mike Whitley.


B.  Requesting Board grant authority to the Public Safety Director to sign the Railroad EDI agreement and any other provider agreements that may come to the Public Safety Department through various Medicare/Medicaid programs.


Mr. Knowles requested the Board grant authority to the Public Safety Director to sign the Railroad EDI agreement and any other provider agreements which may come to the Public Safety Department through various Medicare/Medicaid programs.  Authority to sign agreements is a necessity in the billing process.


Comm. Drew made a motion to grant authority to the Public Safety Director to sign the agreements as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.








Mr. Knowles requested the Board hear a non-agenda item regarding the Fire Advisory Board.


Comm. Bell made a motion to hear a non-agenda item.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.  Comm. Johnson votes NO.

Mr. Knowles requested on behalf of the Fire Advisory Board ratification of the Assistance Firefighter Act Grant Program for self-contained breathing apparatuses.

Atty. Brown explained the Grant Program and stated the deadline came before the next available Board Meeting.


Comm. Bell made a motion to ratify the Grant as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Kelly Jerrels, Road Department Construction Superintendent

A.    Requesting Board direction to re-visit the purchase of a used Mack grapple truck.


Bruce Greenlee provided quotes for the Commissioners as previously requested regarding the purchase of the Mack grapple truck.  He stated the Transit Department would not be funding the purchase entirely, but would assist with $15,000 toward the purchase of the truck.  The total cost of the truck the Road Department wishes to purchase is $44,000.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the purchase of the Mack grapple truck and then revised to include the purchase amount of $44,000 as requested, with the understanding if any funding changes arise, the Board will be notified.  Second was made and also amended by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Carol McQueen, Director

A.    Request approval of Levy County Tourist Development Council’s recommendation for replacement of Councilman Teal Pomeroy’s term of TDC.


Mr. Moody requested for Mrs. McQueen approval of Levy County Tourist Development Council’s recommendation for replacement of Councilman Teal Pomeroy with City ofChiefland’s Councilwoman Teresa Barron for the remainder of the term which runs through January 2014.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Tourist Development Council’s recommendation to appoint Teresa Barron as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson

A.    Discuss participation at the Wild Beast Feast on October 8th at 5:30 P.M., held at Black Prong Equestrian Center on CR 337, Bronson; purchase of clams.


Comm. Johnson gave an update to the Commissioners of serving clams for the Beast Feast.  The clams will be donated.  He invited everyone to attend.

Comm. Johnson then made a motion for each Commissioner to personally contribute $25 to the Levy County Education Foundation for the Beast Feast.  If it is not needed for the purchase of the clams, it will go the Education Scholarship Program.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Present report on North Florida Broadband Authority


Comm. Johnson gave a report of the North Florida Broadband Authority project stating the funding has been suspended until an investigation is completed regarding the allegation of misuse of funds.


Comm. Drew reports of the Communications issue and stated AT & T will do an analysis of the County’s phone service.  Upon completion, they will offer recommendations.

Comm. Drew gave the following information about events and meetings coming up:


Suwannee River Cleanup schedule for October 8th.  More information can be found at the Pure Water Wilderness website.



2011 Better Community Award being presented to the Town of Yankeetownon October 11th at noon.

On October 11th at 7:00 P.M. there will be a presentation at the Inglis Town Hall/Community Center on the Port Inglis Project.

Oct 26-28 will be attending the NACO Coastal Counties forum “Building Resilient Coastal EcoSystems and Economy’s” inSavannah,Georgia.

October 29th is the 75th anniversary of theYankeetownSchool.  There will be an open house from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

20th Yankeetown Seafood Festival will be on November 19th and 20th.  Non-profit organizations are given a booth space at no charge, if anyone is interested.


Comm. Bell gave information of “Paddle Florida”, an Eco-Tourism event which starts at the “Spirit of the Suwannee” on October 13th and will conclude at Fanning Springs on October 19th.  Registration is still available.

Comm. Bell gave congratulations to Fowlers Bluff as he had attended the groundbreaking yesterday.  They had received a $2.8 million in funding through USDA along with Drummond Bank and others.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – September 20, 2011



SEPTEMBER 30, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on September 30, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M.  Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
































TOTAL  $  1,033,290.75





Ms. Brasher requested Board approval of the State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement as requested in the prior years.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve and sign the State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.



Mr. Moody stated the electric forTri-CountyHospitalwill be shut off if the bill is not paid today by 10:00 A.M.  If any of the Commissioners received any calls, he wanted them to be aware.


Comm. Bell stated he received a call from the Inspector Generals office regarding a need for vehicles if the county has any to be donated.


Moody gave information on the Legislative Delegation meeting to be held on Monday in the courthouse.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – September 20, 2011



SEPTEMBER 20, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on September 20, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:02 A.M.  Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.
































TOTAL  $     227,056.79








Approval of minutes for the following meetings:


August 16, 2011 – Regular Board Meeting

June 27, 2011 – Budget Workshop – TABLED

July 5, 2011 – Budget Workshop – TABLED


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Board meeting held August 16, 2011 with changes as stated by Comm. Stevens.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Barbara Locke, Administrator

A.    Request approval of 2011-2012 Contract betweenLevyCountyand Department of Health for the operation of the Health Department.



Mrs. Locke requested Board approval of the 2011-2012 Contract betweenLevyCountyand Department of Health for the operation of the Health Department.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the 2011-2012 Contract as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Michael West, 911 Coordinator

A.    Request approval for rural county grant GEO COMM.

B.    Request approval for rural county grant 911 Information Management System.

C.    Request approval for rural county grant Supplemental ALI Database.


Mr. West requested Board approval for the above listed grants.  Each of the grants are non-matching and the amounts are as follows:


E911 GeoComm Map Maintenance               $13,100

E911 Information Management System        $55,480

E911 Supplemental ALI Database                 $25,000


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve application for the three above listed Grants as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

A.    Request approval for the renewal of Lease Agreement between Hudson Properties, Inc. andLevyCounty.


Mr. Shipp requested Board approval for the renewal of the Guardian ad Litem Lease with Hudson Properties.  He stated there is a change in the Real Estate taxes increasing the amount by $147.48 and supplies reduced by $5 making the total lease amount $1,712.48 per month.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the renewal of the Lease Agreement between Hudson Properties, Inc. andLevyCountyas presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.








Anne Bast Brown,CountyAttorney

A.    Request approval of Resolution 2011-51 certifying that the County meets the criteria for reduction of Department of Environmental Protection and Water Management District fees.


Atty. Brown requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-51 certifying the County meets the criteria for reduction of Department of Environmental Protection and Water Management District fees.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-51 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Fred Moody,CountyCoordinator

A.    Presenting request by Supervisor of Elections, Connie Asbell to place a portable storage building behind the Elections Office at the Courthouse.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval for Mrs. Asbell to utilize a portion of the courthouse property located behind the Supervisor of Elections office to place a 24’ x 36’ metal storage building.  The building will be used to store Elections equipment currently stored at the Bronson Self Storage.  The cost of renting the storage units at Bronson Self Storage is about $3,000 per year.  The cost to purchase the metal building and the concrete foundation will be $7,800 – $8,000.


The Commissioners agreed by consensus to permit the request.


B.    Request motion for approval to donate equipment no longer in use to the Suwannee Valley Transit Authority.


Mr. Moody stated he had received a letter from Gwen Pra, General Manager, Suwannee Valley Transit Authority requesting one or two of the Levy County Transit vehicles which are past their useful life.  She also requested PC’s with monitors not in use.  Mr. Moody stated there are 3 PC’s with monitors which have been on the Transportation Department’s asset list not in use and the hard drives have been cleaned.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve donation of the equipment to the Suwannee Valley Transit Authority.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Rob Corbitt, Director

A.    Request signature for the NFIP, AW 214 Annual Re-certification due to FEMA by October 1st each year.  The AW 214 requires us to certify the continued implementation of credited activities required by the County’s participation in the Community Rating System (CRS).


Mr. Corbitt requested Board approval and signature for the NFIP, AW 214 Annual Re-certification.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve with signature for the NFIP, AW 214 Annual Re-certification subject to concerns to be addressed by Atty. Brown.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.






Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Superintendent

A.    Lee Mills from Mills Engineering to present the award for CR 318 SCRAP Grant project.


Mr. Mills presents the bids received for CR 318 SCRAP grant project to resurface CR 318 from US 27 to NE 220 Ave. as follows:


Bidder                                                                                                                         Amount


Oldcastle Southern Group, Inc. d/b/a APAC-Southeast, Inc.,Gainesville,FL            $199,601.02

V.E. Whitehurst & Sons, Inc.,Williston,FL                                                             $213,538.55

John C. Hipp Construction Equipment Co.,Alachua,FL                                         $213,786.29

Anderson Columbia Co., Inc.,Ocala,FL                                                                   $244,400.00


Mr. Mills stated a condition was added in this bidding process requiring “only” DOT pre-qualified bidders eligible to do projects in excess of $250,000 be qualified to bid.  The bidders were required to submit a copy of the Certificate of Qualifications issued by the Florida Department of Transportation and the required bond with their bid.  Mr. Mills stated not all of the bidders complied with this requirement.  His recommendation is to award the project to V.E. Whitehurst & Sons, Inc. as they were the only bidder to fully comply.


Comm. Drew made a motion to award the bid to V.E. Whitehurst & Sons, Inc. as recommended.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson.

Mr. Mills requested it be added to the motion when the contract is returned to him, the Chairman be authorized to execute the contract in order to move the process along without waiting for the next Board meeting.


Comm. Drew amends her motion to include Mr. Mills’ request.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Request to purchase used Mack grapple truck.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval to purchase a used Mack grapple truck which would assist in the Road Department’s tree trimming operations.  The cost of the truck would be $44,000.


Mr. Moody stated Ms. Painter had informed him since their busses travel the county roads and they constantly call the Road Department for trimming to make the roads passable to pick up passengers, the Transit Department would be able to pay for this piece of equipment.


Mr. Shipp stated a piece of equipment costing $44,000 will require documentation, unless it is a sole source.  He recommended finding three comparable quotes for a similar piece of equipment before approval is done.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to have the Road Department to find three comparable quotes for similar piece of equipment before approval of purchase which will be done on 30th.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Benny Jerrels, Director

A.    Request permission to purchase a trailer tanker for the purpose of hauling leachate water.


RodHastings, for Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval to purchase a trailer tanker for the purpose of hauling leachate water from Morris Dean in the amount of $9,500 which has been used for this specific job and well-maintained.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to purchase the trailer tanker from Morris Dean as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Desiree Painter,

A.    Request signature for the revised Sub Contract known as Title III-B Transportation Contract betweenLevyCountyand Transit/Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersand Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc.


Ms. Painter requested the Board Chairman’s signature for the revised Sub Contract known as Title III-B Transportation Contract between LevyCountyand Transit/Levy County Board of CountyCommissionersand Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc.  Ms. Painter will provide the exact amount at the meeting on September 30th.

Comm. Drew made a motion to allow the Board Chairman to sign the revised Sub Contract as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Matt Weldon, Director

A.    Request approval of the Contractual Services Agreement with Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services andLevyCountyacting for and on behalf of Levy County Mosquito Control.


Lee Williams, for Matt Weldon requested Board approval of the Contractual Services Agreement with Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services andLevyCounty.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Contractual Services Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Dick Tummond, Assistant toCountyCoordinator,

A.    Request Board to approve Satisfaction of Mortgage for Timothy W. and Joy S. Satta. #4.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval for the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Timothy W. and Joy S. Satta in the amount of $9,705.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Satisfaction of Mortgage as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.  Request contract approval for administration services with Roumellis Planning and Development Servicers, Inc. for the NSP3 grant.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of Contract for Administration Services with Roumellis Planning and Development Services, Inc. for the NSP3 Grant (Neighborhood Stabilization Program) and to authorize the Chairman to execute the contract.  The grant amount is $1,029,884.  The General Administration allowable is 6.8% or $70,029.  Roumellis Planning and Development Services, Inc. has proposed a fee of 5.923% or $61,000.  The Project Activity fee allows 10% of the Activity budget for the acquisition, rehab and disposition of the homes.  Roumellis Planning and Development Services, Inc. proposed fee is 9%.  The fee covers the administration for 10 homes to be purchased with this grant.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Contract for Administration Services with Roumellis Planning and Development Services, Inc. as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mr. Tummond informed the Board application has been submitted to DCA, it has been reviewed and they have returned a contract within the last few days.  It is now being reviewed by Atty. Brown.  Mr. Tummond stated once the documents have been reviewed by Atty. Brown and by Ms. Belcher he will need it signed by the Chairman as authorized in a Resolution approved in May of this year.





Ms. Debra Belcher from Roumellis Planning and Development Services, Inc. thanked the Board and stated she has the documents to be signed with her today.


Renate Cannon thanked the Board for selecting V.E. Whitehurst & Sons, Inc. for complying with the bid request of the Road Department.


Ms. Brasher, Library Director stated she had two non-agenda items for the Board’s consideration.

The Commissioners decided by consensus to review the material presented and make a decision on the September 30th meeting.




Comm. Johnson spoke of Sunshine Law requirements regard to local preference with the County’s purchasing policy.  The Commissioners were in favor of researching this and addressing at a later meeting.

Comm. Johnson states October 8th is the Levy County Education Foundation Beast Feast.  He is working with Leslie Sturmer to get clams for the Commissioners to serve and invited everyone to attend.

Comm. Johnson stated he will be attending a North Florida Broadband special meeting tomorrow and will report to the Board at a later meeting.


Comm. Drew stated she would like to re-address the Fire Sub-Committee and Fire Advisory Board’s recommendations at a meeting sometime in the near future.


Comm. Bell reported he had attended a CLM Workforce phone meeting and reported the old Chiefland Post Office will be the new hub for this area.

Comm. Bell stated the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council’s Governor Appointee is Stoney Smith, a local businessman from Chiefland.

Comm. Bell stated Mr. Tummond was successful in getting a rate study done on the Water Department and will be bringing information to the Board at a later meeting.

Mr. Moody reminded everyone the Board meeting to pay year end bills will be September 30th at 9:00 A.M.

He also reminded everyone of the Legislative Delegation meeting on Monday in the Board Room at 3:00 P.M.






ATTEST:                                                                                            BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Public Hearing – September 8, 2011






The Public Hearing of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on September 8, 2011 at 6:30 PM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  Comm. Johnson gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Sheila Rees presented the Board with a Resolution to set the proposed millage rate at 8.0614, which is the rolled back rate.


Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone in the audience to speak for or against the item of setting the proposed millage rate.


Renate Cannon requested the Board to keep the millage rate at the current rate and not go to the rolled back rate.

Betty Wolf spoke and stated she was against the Board raising the millage rate.


After discussion, Comm. Johnson made a motion adopt Resolution 2011-46 amending paragraph 1 to fill in the blank with the 8.0614 millage rate for the General Fund which is the rolled back rate.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mrs. Rees stated the total budget calculated at this rate is $59,231,955.





Connie Asbell informed the Board she had reduced her budget by another 3%.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Budget for the Supervisor of Elections.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Ms. Pendray from the Sheriff’s Office was in attendance and informed the Board Sheriff Smith would not be in attendance and there was no presentation from the Sheriff’s Department.

The Commissioners all expressed their disappointment of the Sheriff not attending this meeting.

Comm. Stevens spoke suggested the Board set the Sheriff’s budget at $9.95 million.  This would be a further reduction of $216,380, not counting the retirement amount reduced like everyone else.  The total amount reduced from the Sheriff’s original budget would be 8.13%.


The Commissioners discussed a 7% reduction in the Sheriff’s budget.  This would be $758,174, which includes 3% for retirement, making the total budget amount $10,072,884.


Comm. Bell made a motion to set the Sheriff’s budget at $9.95 million.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.

Comm. Stevens asked if anyone from the audience would like to speak as this is a Public Hearing.


Sherry Houston, Sr. Vice President of Advancement at Meridian Behavioral Healthcare spoke to the Board and requested they reconsider reducing their budget.  She requested they make a lesser reduction, making their reduction proportional to all the other departments.

The Commissioners stated they would like to see a better patient care facility instead of a new administration building, which is currently planned for construction.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-47 to approve the 2011-2012 FY budget in the amount of $59,231.985.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.






ATTEST:                                                                                            BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – September 6, 2011






The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on September 6, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Marsha Drew

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.  Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.




































TOTAL  $  1,348,237.22







Benny Jerrels

A.    Request approval to accept rebid for roof replacement on the Recycling building.


Andrew Carswell presented the following bids to the Board for roof replacement on theRecyclingBuilding:


J & L Custom Construction               $35,444

Union LaSteel                                     $38,452

Marion Service Roofing Unit            $62,650


Mr. Carswell recommended accepting the bid from J & L Construction and to allow the Chairman to sign the contract after Atty. Brown’s review.


Comm. Bell made a motion to accept the bid from J & L Construction and to allow the Chairman to sign the contract after Atty. Brown’s review.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Request approval to open and accept bid for Leachate hauling.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval to open and accept bid for leachate hauling.  No bids were received.  Mr. Jerrels stated he would like for the Solid Waste Department to purchase their own trailer to haul the one to one and a half loads per week.  Mr. Jerrels estimates the cost of a new trailer would run about $5,000 to $10,000.  The Board agreed by consensus for Mr. Jerrels to advertise for bids for a trailer.


C.    Request approval to hire anon-DepartmentofCorrectionswork squad supervisor for the Solid Waste Department (Recycling).


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval for the Solid Waste Department to advertise for anon-DepartmentofCorrections Work Squad Supervisorat Recycling.  Mr. Jerrels stated they have been supervising the Work Squads themselves since about January as the Department of Corrections had been phasing out this program due to financial cuts.

The Board agreed by consensus for Mr. Jerrels to advertise for an inmate Work Squad Supervisor.




Bruce Greenlee, Road Department Administrative Superintendent

A.    Consider Resolution 2011-44 approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close NE 135th Avenue as requested by petitioner, Sandra Hall.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-44, approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close NE 135th Avenue as requested by petitioner, Sandra Hall.


Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone in the audience to speak for or against the petition.  There was none.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-44, approving the petition as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Consider adoption of Resolution 2011-45 approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close a portion of SE 31 Lane as requested by petitioners, Alan and Cindy Kendall.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-45, approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close a portion of SE 31 Lane as requested by petitioners, Alan and Cindy Kendall.  He recommended the road closure not become effective until the Unity of Title has been recorded.


Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone in the audience to speak for or against the petition.  There was none.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-45, approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close a portion of SE 31 Lane contingent upon the recording of the Unity of Title.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.



Anne Bast Brown,CountyAttorney

C.    Conduct first Public Hearing on Ordinance 2011-05, repealing and amending Levy County Code sections relating to firearms.


Atty. Brown spoke to the Board regarding Ordinance 2011-05, repealing and amending Levy County Code sections relating to firearms.  This is the first of two required Public Hearings.  The next Public hearing is scheduled for September 19th at 6:30 P.M.  Atty. Brown stated the new legislation amends Section 790.33, Fla. Stat., clarifying and reorganizing the statute and restating and expanding the Legislature’s intent to preempt the field of regulation of firearms and ammunition.  The new law becomes effective October 1, 2011.


Comm. Stevens asked if anyone would like to speak for or against the item.


Renate Cannon requested clarification on “pre-empting firearms”.

Atty. Brown answered and stated pre-empting means the State Legislature has said we are the only body which can regulate in this area.  The goal of Legislation is to keep further regulations from happening by individual counties.


A.D. Andrews asked if this means county cannot pass more restrictive Ordinances than the State already has?

Atty. Brown answered it’s not only more restrictive, but no regulations at all.





Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Superintendent

A.     Approve application and release of easement for Lester and Charlayne Underwood.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval of the application to release a Public Utility Easement for Lester and Charlayne Underwood.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the application to release a Public Utility Easement as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Disposition of Public Records for the Town ofBronson.


Mr. Greenlee stated he had been contacted by the Town ofBronsonrequesting assistance to burn some records in need of disposal in accordance with Florida Law in the County incinerator.


Comm. Bell made a motion to assist the Town ofBronsonwith disposal of records using the County incinerator as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Anne Bast Brown,CountyAttorney

A.    Approve Amendment to Agreement with Bricklemyer, Smolker & Bolves, P.A. for special counsel services in proceeding related to litigation against levy County initiated by Town of Yankeetown and Withlacoochee Area Residents, Inc.


Atty. Brown requested Board approval of an Amendment to the Agreement with Bricklemyer, Smolker & Bolves, P.A. in the amount of $10,000 to make the total amount not to exceed $20,000.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the Amendment to the Agreement with Bricklemyer, Smolker & Bolves, P.A. for $10,000 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.  Comm. Drew votes NO.


Atty. Brown informed the Board on the Tarmac litigation stating there will be a hearing scheduled on September 12th at 11:00 A.M.








Fred Moody,CountyCoordinator

A.    Request to Ratify Supplemental Lease Agreement, Supplemental Agreement No. 3; to lease toLevyCountyUSDAServiceCenter.


Mr. Moody requested the Board ratify the Supplemental Lease Agreement, Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to lease theLevyCountyUSDAServiceCenter.  Effective 9/01/11 through 6/30/13, the Government will pay the annual rent of $32,696.40.


Comm. Drew made a motion to ratify the Supplemental Lease Agreement as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Request to amend Resolution # 01-05; Restate its Retirement Plan under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval to amend Resolution #01-05, to restate its Retirement Plan under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Mr. Moody then read the title of Resolution 2011-50 into record.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-50 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.    Request approval of application for Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program for vehicle acquisition and authorize Fred Moody,CountyCoordinator, to sign and submit application electronically on behalf of the Board.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of the application for Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program and allow him to sign and submit the application electronically in order to acquire a tanker for the Fire Department.  The total amount is $275,000 and it is a 95/5 match.  The tanker will be available for use by other departments withinLevyCounty, as well as by Division of Forestry and other agencies, as needed.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the application for Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Karen Blackburn

A.    Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council requesting changes to the Levy County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board.

1.     Remove Gwen Pra as Primary Voting member; and

2.     Replace with Sandra Collins who currently serves as the Alternate Voting member; and

3.     Add Phil Worth as the Alternate Voting member.


Ms. Blackburn requested Board approval of the above listed changes to the Levy County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the changes to the Levy County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board as requested by the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Requesting letter of support for the North Florida Economic Development Partnership to be submitted with a grant application.


Ms. Blackburn presented a request to the Board for a letter of support for the North Florida Economic Development Partnership to be submitted with a grant application.  As stated in the sample letter provided, the North Florida Economic Development Partnership is submitting an Economic Adjustment Assistance grant application on behalf of the North Central Florida Rural Area of Economic Concern.  The funding will be used for an Inventory Asset and Web Site project.


Comm. Bell made a motion to prepare a letter of support for the North Florida Economic Development Partnership as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.



Joe Renaudo

A.    Request approval to purchase four (4) sets of bunker gear; total purchase exceeds $2,500.


Mr. Renaudo requested Board approval to purchase four (4) sets of bunker gear from Municipal Equipment Company, LLC for a total cost of $4,652.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the purchase of four (4) sets of bunker gear as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mark Johnson, Director

A.    Request to accept the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Agreement.


Mr. Johnson requested Board approval to accept the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Agreement in the amount of $53,371.  This is a dollar-for-dollar match Grant.


Comm. Bell made a motion to accept the Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Request to accept the Agreement for Professional Services betweenLevyCountyand the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council (WRPC).


Mr. Johnson requested Board approval to accept the Agreement for Professional Services betweenLevyCountyand the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council (WRPC) for the sum of $1,624.


Comm. Drew made a motion to accept the Agreement for Professional Services betweenLevyCountyand the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.    Permission to purchase a radiological decontamination shower system.


Mark Johnson requested Board approval to purchase a radiological decontamination shower system.  The following three (3) bids were received:


EMS Innovations, Inc.                        $  7,646

First Responder Network.Com          $11,875

Lab Safety                                          $13,078


Mr. Johnson’s recommendation is to make the purchase through EMS Innovations, Inc.  The purchase will be made using Progress Energy funds.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the purchased of a radiological decontamination shower system from EMS Innovations, Inc.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Connie Conley

A.    Request approval of Resolution authorizing & ratifying the filing of the Shirley Conroy Rural Area Capital Assistance Support Grant application.


Ms. Conley requested Board approval of Resolution 2011-49 authorizing and ratifying the filing of the Shirley Conroy Rural Area Capital Assistance Support Grant application.  The total amount is $69,223 and this is a 90/10 Grant.  The funds will be used to purchase a bus which will accommodate four (4) wheel chairs and four (4) or 14 ambulatory persons.  This will replace an existing high mileage bus.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2011-49 authorizing and ratifying the filing of the Shirley Conroy Rural Area Capital Assistance Support Grant application as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Request approval for the Service Agreement for work on Tiger Grant by Tocknell Services.


Ms. Conley requested Board approval of the Service Agreement for work on the Tiger Grant by Tocknell Services in the amount of $4,000.  There will be an additional amount due of $4,000 if the grant application is approved.  The funds will be used to acquire property and the construction of a new maintenance facility for the Transit Department.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Service Agreement with Tocknell Planning Services as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.    Request approval for the Service Agreement withNatureCoastMiddle Schoolto continue to provide transportation for upcoming school year.


D.    Request approval for the Service Agreement withCreeksideChristianSchoolto continue to provide transportation for the upcoming school year.


Ms. Conley requested Board approval of the Service Agreements withNatureCoastMiddle SchoolandCreeksideChristianSchoolto continue to provide transportation for the upcoming school year.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Service Agreements withNatureCoastMiddle SchoolandCreeksideChristianSchoolas presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

A.    Request approval to apply for the Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to apply for the Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant, a 90/10 match grant.  These funds will be used to purchase two (2) transport units, one operational vehicle, and communications equipment.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve applying for the Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant, as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.    Request approval for the Plum Creek Foundation Grant.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to apply for the Plum Creek Foundation Grant, a non-matching grant in the amount of $10,000.  The funds from this grant will be used to purchase items for a Public Relations and Education Program.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve applying for the Plum Creek Foundation Grant as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.    Request approval to purchase Telestaff scheduling software.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to purchase new scheduling software called Telestaff in the amount of $24,000.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the purchase of the new scheduling software, Telestaff as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


D.    Present State Department of Health inspection results.


Mr. Knowles presented the Board with results of the State Department of Health inspection and stated they received an “excellent” rating on their records and vehicles.



Dick Tummond, Assistant toCountyCoordinator

A.    Request to approve Satisfaction of Mortgage for Melissa Screws, PA #282.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Melissa Screws in the amount of $13,540.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Satisfaction of Mortgage for Melissa Screws as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson spoke to the other Commissioners about the Levy County Education Foundation Beast Feast and stated he had contacted Leslie Sturmer about getting clams and to help the Commissioners cook and serve them.


Comm. Drew presented to the Commissioners for approval the recommendations from the Fire Sub-Committee to the Fire Advisory Board.

Commissioners Stevens and Comm. Johnson stated they would like to review the recommendations and vote at a later date.





Comm. Bell made a motion to hear a non-agenda item from Helen Kohler.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.  Comm. Johnson votes NO.


Helen Kohler spoke to the Commissioners regarding the Equestrian event in Black Prong coming up in which she operates.  She states she is having trouble with the insurance requirements and permitting needed for the event.


The Board agrees by consensus to allow Ms. Kohler to submit the application for the event with the condition of showing proof of insurance closer to the date of the event.


The meeting recessed at 11:07 A.M.

The meeting reconvened at 1:00 P.M.





Comm. Stevens called the Budget Workshop to order at 1:01 P.M.


Sheila Rees presented the Board with budget amounts stating by using the rolled back rate this gave $1,108,406 additional in ad valorem taxes.  The total projected Revenues increased from the preliminary amount is $1.9 million.  By using the rolled back rate, this will leave $2,011,766 in reserve.




Betty Walker requested the same amount as last year, $30,393 for the LARC budget.  Ms. Walker also introduced Nick, who will be taking her place when she retires soon.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the LARC budget at the same amount as last year.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.




The Commissioners discussed cutting funding toMeridian.


Comm. Bell made a motion to cut the budget request forMeridianby 50%.  Second was made by Comm. Drew.  The votes were cast as follows:


Yes                              No

Comm.Bell                Comm. Drew

Comm. Stevens          Comm. Johnson




Comm. Drew made a motion to cut the budget request forMeridianby 10%.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.  Comm. Stevens votes NO.




Comm. Bell made a motion to approve at the budget request for Nature Coast Business Development in the amount of $39,940, withholding the amount designated for the Director’s salary until someone is hired for this position.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.




Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the budget amount requested for the Community Action Agency at the same amount as last year, $4,750.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


Funding for the Health Department will be at $150,000 per their contract.




Mrs. Rees stated the Recreation fund amount for each Commissioner is $11,400 currently.

Comm. Drew stated she could reduce her amount by $5,000 as there are fewer children in her district and the need is not as great for youth league contributions.


Comm. Drew made a motion to reduce the overall amount for the Commissioner’s Recreation Funds by $5,000, making the fund amount $52,000.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.




The following individuals spoke on behalf of the different Fire Departments in the county:


Rick Bloom

Brent Barris

Joe Renaudo

Otter Creek Mayor

Ronnie McQueen

Robert Curr

Gene Stockman

Teresa Barron


Funding from the Town of Otter Creek’s budget given to City ofChieflandfor Fire Service was discussed.

Ronnie McQueen gave information regarding an increase in calls for the Fanning Springs Fire Department as a result of growth in population and requested their budget be increased by $38,113.  The increase in their budget is possible due to a reduction in the other Fire Departments budget.


After discussion Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Fire Department budget as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.




There were no questions by the Commissioners as the Property Appraiser had reduced his budget by 14% already.





Sheriff Smith stated his current budget amount is $10,831,058.  To date they have cut $661,498 from their budget which brings the total proposed budget amount to $10,169,560.  Sheriff Smith stated he was asked to make additional cuts by doing away with the bottled water service and coffee supplies to employees reducing the budget further by $6,102.  The total budget request is now $10,163,458.  Sheriff Smith states he can make no further cuts other than personnel.

Comm. Stevens requested Sheriff Smith to look at his budget again to see if there are any more cuts he could make.




Connie Asbell states she operates with two budgets, the Office Budget and the Elections Budget.  She has cut $9,000 from the Office Budget.

Comm. Stevens requested Mrs. Asbell to take another look at her budget to see if she can make any further cuts.




Michelle presented the Tax Collector’s requested budget amount of $981,435 for Mrs. Fugate.  She stated this reflects a reduction of 5.95%.




Danny Shipp stated he has reduced his budget by $26,845 and will not be asking for an additional $80,000 for a State mandated expense.



Comm. Drew made a motion to set the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector Budget.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the budget for the Clerk of Court as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Stevens reminded everyone of the Budget Meeting on Thursday at 6:30 P.M. to set the tentative budgets for those not approved today.


Comm. Drew asked about the fiscally constrained money in Road Department and Mrs. Rees responded there was $385,000 in ½ cent fiscally constrained money budgeted for next year in the Road Department.  There is $1,373,662 in ad valorem money which is in the General Revenue fund.


Mrs. Rees stated the calculated budget is currently based on the rolled-back millage rate which is 8.0614.  The Commissioners agreed to vote on the millage rate at the meeting on Thursday evening meeting.






ATTEST:                                                                                            BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens