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BOCC Regular Meeting – February 21, 2012



FEBRUARY 21, 2012



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on February 21, 2012 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Marsha Drew


Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator– Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.   gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


CHECK NUMBER  107280-107402






























TOTAL  $     496,923.41





Major Michael Sheffield

A.    Sheriff Johnny Smith to discuss Jail Visitation.   – TABLED –


Lieutenant Scott Finnen

A.    Request funds from the Court Ordered Crime Prevention Account (fund maintained by the Board) to purchase equipment for DUI checkpoints, $8,061.17.     – TABLED –






Carol McQueen, Director

A.    Requesting permission to make application through the 2012-2013 Visit Florida Small Business Partners Grant Program for a Dollar for Dollar Matching Advertising Grant up to $5,000.


Mrs. McQueen requested Board approval to apply for a Visit Florida Small Business Partners Grant.  This is a dollar for dollar matching Advertising Grant for up to $5,000.  Mrs. McQueen stated they would like to pursue this for next year’s Marketing Budget.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the application of the 2012-2013 VisitFloridaSmall Business Partners Grant Program.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.







Fred Moody,CountyCoordinator

A.    Request from the Tax Collectors’ Office regarding 63 parcels with Special Assessment liens from 1986 thru 1989 that were not part of the Uniform Method of Collection and were not part of the Tax Certificate process; request to dispose of lien.     – TABLED –


B.     Inglis Public Meeting to be held March 6th, 2012, 6:00 P.M. at theInglisTown Hall regarding decision on dissolving the Inglis Police Department.


Mr. Moody stated Property Appraiser Osborn Barker and a Commissioner and himself had been requested by the Mayor of Inglis to attend a Town meeting on March 6th at 6:00 P.M.  The purpose of the meeting will be to allow the residents of Inglis to receive information to make their voting decision on absolving of the Inglis Police Department.


The Commissioners agreed they did not wish to get involved in this issue.


C.  Update on inmate labor force for recycling.


Mr. Moody gave an update on inmate crews for Recycling fromLowelland stated they will be available once the transition is complete and they will be notifying Mr. Moody.





Karen Blackburn

A.    Presenting a request on behalf of the City of Chiefland requesting Waste Pro be allowed to dump waste generated from the annual Solid Waste Amnesty weekend in the Levy County landfill at no additional cost; planned for May 4 & 5, 2012.


Mrs. Blackburn stated the City of Chiefland has requested Waste Pro be allowed to dump waste generated from the annual Solid Waste Amnesty weekend in the Levy County Landfill at no additional cost.  The Amnesty dates are planned for May 4th and May 5th, 2012.


RodHastingsstated disposing of all of the hazardous waste would generate a large unbudgeted cost for the County and suggested the City ofChieflanduse a contractor instead.


The Commissioners agreed they did not wish to allow this and agreed with Mr. Hastings’ suggestion.




Shenley Neely, Planning Director

A.  Update on Planning Department.


Ms. Neely provided an informational update on Planning Department activities and on aUniversityofFloridaplanning research project.





David Knowles, Director

A.    The Department of Public Safety is requesting approval for a Revalidation for Medicare in order to continue to receive Medicare benefits.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval of the Revalidation packet for Medicare in order for the Public Safety Department to continue to receive Medicare benefits.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the Medicare Revalidation packet and authorize signatures of Chairman Stevens, Mr. Moody and Mr. Knowles.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson reported he had recently attended a meeting of FLOW (Florida Leadership Organized for Water).  Comm. Johnson asked of the Board when an Interlocal Agreement is done, if they would come to a consensus or agreement to be members. The Board was in agreement to participate with the group, FLOW.


Comm. Drew reported she and Mr. Moody had visited Susan Olsen inMarionCountyin the Purchasing and Procurement Department last week.  They learned of howMarionCountypurchasing procedures are done.

Comm. Drew also shared information of “Rainwater Harvesting” using cisterns, something she had researched online.


Comm. Joyner thanked Mr. Greenlee and the Road Department employees for placing the speed bumps along Court Street.  He also asked Mr. Greenlee to extend thanks to the crew trimming along CR 326 stating they were doing a great job.


Mr. Moody stated Atty. Brown will have a Local Preference Policy and Special Events Policy ready for review on March 6th and asked if the Board would like to schedule a Workshop following the Regular Meeting.


Atty. Brown reported for information to the Board, First DCA ruled in the Yankeetown case regarding Tarmac and denied Yankeetown.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – February 7, 2012



FEBRUARY 7, 2012



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on February 7, 2012 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Marsha Drew

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:

Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator– Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.  Osborn Barker gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.






































TOTAL  $  2,011,398.84













The minutes for the following minutes were presented to the Board for approval:


June 27, 2011                          December 20, 2011

October 24, 2011                    January 3, 2012

November 22, 2011                January 17, 2012


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the minutes presented with changes as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and MOTION CARRIES.





Rob Corbitt, Development Department Director

A.    Consider approval of Hardship Variance for Melba Tillis (2-12).


Mr. Corbitt requested Board approval of the Hardship Variance for Melba Tillis.


Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the Hardship Variance.  There was none.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the Hardship Variance for Melba Tillis (2-12) as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Consider approval of Hardship Variance for Brenda Barrentine (3-12).


Mr. Corbitt requested Board approval of the Hardship Variance for Brenda Barrentine (3-12).


Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the Hardship Variance.  There was none.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Hardship Variance for Brenda Barrentine (3-12) as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Andrew Carswell

A.    Request approval for an Amendment to the Consolidated Small County Solid Waste Management Grant Agreement.


Mr. Carswell requested on behalf of Lee Mills Board approval of an Amendment to the Consolidated Small County Solid Waste Management Grant Agreement.  Mr. Carswell explained upon closer inspection, there appears to be more perlins in need of replacement than originally thought.  The additional cost for this would be $10,000.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Amendment to the Consolidated Small County Solid Waste Management Grant Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Major Michael Sheffield,LevyCountyJail

A.    Inmate visitation system needs to be replaced.


Major Sheffield explained to the Board the need for the inmate visitation system to be replaced.  The original system was installed in 2006 with construction of the Jail and there have been maintenance issues from the beginning.

Chris with MTS Communications spoke regarding an upgrade of the system and stated the cost would be around $150,000.

Comm. Joyner questioned if the “Inmate Welfare Trust Fund” could be used to help fund the upgrade?

Major Sheffield answered yes, but only a portion could be used, about $25,000.

Comm. Bell wants to know what the Sheriff is willing to do with regard to funding for the new system.

There was discussion among the Commissioners as to whether or not the Jail can charge visitors of the inmates as a way to offset the cost of the new visitation system.  Statutes will need to be researched to determine if visitors can be charged.

Comm. Stevens asked if there is a processing fee to the inmate when they are booked.

MajorSheffieldanswered there is not a processing fee currently.


The Board agreed by consensus to research the legality of charging a booking fee and charging visitors.


Danny Shipp stated the bid process would need to be initiated in order to decide on a business to install a new visitation system.





Jack Schofield commended the Commissioners on challenging the issue with the Sheriff’s Department and the visitation system, but also criticized them for letting this go on for 6 years.




Anne Bast Brown

A.    Request direction from the Board on scheduling for Local Preference/Purchasing Ordinance.


Atty. Brown requested direction from the Board on scheduling for the Local Preference/Purchasing Ordinance.  She asked if the Board would rather have the Ordinance have the wording to state “local preference” or “comprehensive purchasing”.

Consensus for local preference was agreed upon by the Board.

Commissioners gave their input of what would constitute “local” for wording of the Ordinance to be prepared by Atty. Brown.


B.     Request direction from the Board on Special Events Ordinance (in conjunction with Development Department).


Atty. Brown requested direction from the Board on the Special Events Ordinance.

Comm. Stevens suggested holding a Workshop immediately following the first meeting in March.  It was agreed by the Commissioners to schedule the Workshop immediately following the March 6th regular meeting.


C.  RFP for Insurance Broker Services (in conjunction with County Coordinator/Board office).


Atty. Brown questioned how the Board would like to structure the RFP for insurance broker services.

After discussion, the Board agreed to not exempt the public.


Mr. Moody spoke regarding the Public Safety Department using a time-management system, CRONAS.  A representative from this company can meet with the Board to discuss the product.

The Board agreed they would be interested in hearing from them at the March 6th Workshop following the regular meeting.





Karen Blackburn

A.    Presenting request from the North Florida Economic Development Partnership (FFEDP) for Chair’s signature on Amendment #2 to the Memorandum of Agreement – Revenue Distribution Approach for RACEC Catalyst Project for Economic Development – North Central Florida RACEC.  Amendment has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal sufficiency.


Mrs. Blackburn requested Board approval for the Chair’s signature on Amendment #2 to the Memorandum of Agreement as requested by the North Florida Economic Development Partnership.


After discussion, Comm. Johnson made a motion to oppose signing the Amendment in protest of other “shovel-ready” projects.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mark S. Johnson, Director

A.    Request approval to accept the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP).


Mr. Johnson requested Board approval of the State Homeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $17,000 for Emergency Management Training and Exercise Programs which runs from October 1, 2011 to April 30, 2014.  Mr. Johnson also stated this is a non-matching grant.


Comm. Drew made a motion to accept the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Matt Weldon, Director

A.    Request approval of Sovereignty Submerged Lands Fee Waived Lease with the State ofFlorida.


Mr. Weldon requested Board approval of the Sovereignty Submerged Lands Fee Waived Lease with the State ofFlorida.  This is the lease for the submerged lands below the Big Dock at Cedar Key.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Sovereignty Submerged Lands Fee Waived Lease with the State ofFloridaand have the Chairman to sign as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Road Superintendent

A.    Amendment to Agreement with Grubbs Emergency Services, LLC for emergency debris removal.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval of the Amendment to Agreement with Grubbs Emergency Services, LLC for emergency debris removal.  Under federal regulations, the County’s debris removal agreement can come under the category of federal-aid construction contracts which are required to contain certain provisions.  These provisions must be spelled out in their entirety as part of the agreement document.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Amendment to Agreement with Grubbs Emergency Services, LLC as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Joyner asked Mr. Greenlee about the request made to place speed bumps near the Baptist church on Court Street.

After discussion, the Board agreed by consensus to have the Road Department move forward with this request and place speed bumps on Court Street from the Baptist church to the Courthouse.





Dick Tummond, Assistant to theCountyCoordinator

A.    Request motion to approve Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Amanda K. Lockaby – PA #510.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Amanda K. Lockaby – PA #510 in the amount of $14,790.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the Deferred Payment Loan Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.



B.     Update on CDBG Grant Status, information only.


Mr. Tummond reported to the Board they had completed the initial sorting and ranking of the 56 applicants and will be holding a workshop within the next couple of weeks with the top 30 applicants to determine eligibility.  A second rank and sort will be done once this step has been completed.





Comm. Stevens requested the Board hear a non-agenda item.


Comm. Bell made a motion to hear a non-agenda item.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


Shenley Neely spoke to the Board regarding a Letter of Intent for Levy County Property previously approved to go with the application for Land Use Change and Re-zoning on property in the Town ofBronson.  The application was heard last night at the Town ofBronson’s meeting and there were some issues with the last paragraph.  The Town Council asked if the last paragraph could be removed.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the deletion of the last paragraph to the letter as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson thanked everyone for their support of the Levy County Education Foundation Gala.

Comm. Johnson stated he had attended the Water Working Group and reported of the next meeting scheduled for February 13th to elect officers and to select a name for the group.  Comm. Johnson stated he felt it was important forLevyCounty to have representation attending the meetings of this group.


Comm. Drew reported she is still working on the purchasing issue.


Comm. Joyner thanked everyone for attending the Wild Beast Feast recently at the Baptist church in Morriston.


Comm. Stevens reminded everyone of the upcoming Williston FFA fundraiser to be held at the Whitehurst Lodge.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – January 17, 2012



JANUARY 17, 2012



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on January 17, 2012 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Marsha Drew

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:


CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator– Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.  Osborn Barker gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.




























TOTAL  $     951,927.76





The minutes for the following meetings were presented to the Board for approval:


November 8, 2011

January 3, 2012 – TABLED –


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting held November 8, 2011 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.







Rusty Skinner, Chief Executive Officer

A.    Request approval of Resolution 2012-04.


Mr. Skinner requested Board approval of Resolution 2012-04 or a letter to be drafted and sent to the State level addressing concerns regarding HB7023.  This bill has been introduced in Legislature giving the Governor control over the local workforce system and removes responsibility, given to local elected officials under federal law, from local elected officials.


After discussion by Commissioners, it was agreed by consensus of the Board to send a letter to the State Legislative Officials.  Mr. Skinner will draft a letter for the Commissioners to review.  Comm. Stevens stated he would like each of the Commissioners to sign the letter.


B.     Request approval of the Worksite Agreement.


Mr. Skinner requested Board approval of the Worksite Agreement.  This agreement would allow departments of the county government to become worksites for individuals utilizing Workforce Connection to gain work training before entering into the workforce.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the Worksite Agreement as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


Barbara Locke spoke and let Mr. Skinner know the Health Department currently provides work training through Workforce Connection and brought up a point regarding background checks and fingerprinting charges not covered by Workforce Connection.  Mr. Skinner stated there are different levels of background checks and would check into why the Health Department is required to pay for theirs.





Mike West, 911 Coordinator

A.    Request signature of Chair for GeoComm Maintenance Contract.


Chris Sheppard requested on behalf of Mr. West Board approval and signature on the annual GeoComm Maintenance Contract which is in the amount of $13,100.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the annual GeoComm Maintenance Contract as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Pieklik, Executive Director

A.    Presenting Progress Report.


Mr. Pieklik presented a Progress Report to the Board of the Nature Coast Business Development Council and provided information for the Commissioners to review. He stated the new office will be in Chiefland at the old post office in with Workforce Connection and is expected to be open March 1st.





Hans van Vuuren of Bronson spoke to the Board regarding the Levy County Recycling center and expressed his concern about the messiness of it.  He asked if it was possible to have countywide garbage pickup for a profit to the county.

Mr. Jerrels stated the trailers which are intended to be filled with recycle materials, often get household garbage dumped in them also.  This has to be sorted before the recycled materials can be sold.  These recycled materials are then sold, but the amount earned does not offset the cost.  This is not a moneymaker for the county.

Mr. van Vuuren asked if there was anything which could be done about dumping garbage along dirt roads in the County.


It was answered by the Commissioners along with Atty. Brown the Board could not stop people from dumping garbage, only issue citations from Code Enforcement if garbage is identified.  Nothing could be done by the Board about garbage someone dumps on their own property.


Barbara Locke spoke to the Board and announced there will be an “After Hours Medical Care” service provided by the Levy County Health Department the last Wednesday of each month at the Health Department from 4:30 P.M. to 7:15 P.M.  The services provided are:  physicals for work, sports and school, minor injuries (no x-ray), and routine health care.  There is no cost if eligible.







Fred Moody

A.    Request the appointment of Connie Conley to serve as interim Director for Levy County Transit; with all duties, responsibilities and signature authority as Department Head.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval to appoint Connie Conley to serve as interim Director for Levy County Transit.


Comm. Bell made a motion to appoint Connie Conley as interim Director as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Notice of proposed closing of the Levy Farm Service Agency office.


Mr. Moody advised the Board of the proposed closing of the Levy Farm Service Agency office scheduled for February 3rd.


All Commissioners agreed they would like to keep the Farm Service Agency office open forLevyCounty.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to lobby to keep the Farm Service office inLevyCountydue to the diversity of farming and agriculture business and to send a letter asking what can be done to keep the Farm Service office open here.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.     Notice of proposed closing of Levy Forestry Camp.


Mr. Moody advised the Board of the closing of Levy Forestry Camp and how this would affect Recycling as well as Parks.  These departments currently use prison work crews at Recycling and for clean-up at the Parks.  There is a possibility of using prison work crews fromLowell.





Karen Blackburn

A.    Follow up onColumbiaCounty’s letter; meeting rescheduled from January 31, 2012 to January 23, 2012.  Ms. Roberts advised they would prefer a county staff member ofCountyCommissioner.


Mrs. Blackburn informed the Board of the organizational meeting of the water supply protection working group previously scheduled for January 31, 2012 has been rescheduled to January 23, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.


Comm. Johnson stated he was still planning to attend as an individual and would take notes to bring back to Board at next meeting

Comm. Stevens requested Comm. Johnson attend as a representative for the Board and for another staff member to also attend.  Shenley Neely stated she would plan to be at this meeting also.


B.     Request from the Bronson FFA Chapter to sponsor an ad for the Suwannee River Livestock Show & Sale Official Program; Review attached ad, full page $100.




Mrs. Blackburn presented a request to the Board from the Bronson FFA Chapter for an ad in the Suwannee River Livestock Show & Sale Official Program.  The prices are as follows:


Full Page         $100

Half Page        $  50

Quarter Page   $  25


Comm. Bell made a motion to purchase a half-page ad for $50.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.     Requesting changes to the Levy County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board.


1.      Replace Primary Voting Member Elaine Carter with Melinda M. Jordan.

2.      Add Alternate Voting Member Andrew Singer.

3.      Replace Alternate Voting Member (School Board) Jeff Edison with Joseph Wain.


Mrs. Blackburn presented changes from the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council to the Levy County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board for Board approval.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the changes as stated to the Levy County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





Connie Conley, Operations Manager

A.    Follow up on January 3, 2012 tabled request for approval regarding the revised agreement for Steve Tocknell scope of services and payment of services.


Mrs. Conley requested Board approval of the request from January 3, 2012 of the revised agreement for Steve Tocknell scope of services and payment of services in the amount of $4,000.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the revised agreement document for Steve Tocknell previously tabled at the January 3rd meeting as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Request approval of Resolutions to amend Resolutions:


1.      Section 5310 Capital Grant.

2.      Section 5311 Operating Grant.

3.      Section 5316 Operating Funding for Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) Grant.

4.      Section 5317 New Freedom Capital Grant.

5.      5317 New Freedom Operating Grant.


Mrs. Conley requested Board approval to amend the previously approved Resolutions as listed above.  This includes changing the Director name to Connie Conley.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolutions 2012-09 through 2012-13 amending previously approved Resolutions 2012-01, 2012-02, 2012-06, 2012-07 and 2012-08 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

A.    Present the quarterly report to inform the Board, the citizens and visitors ofLevyCountyof significant events taking place within the department during the last quarter of 2011.


Mr. Knowles presented the 4th quarter report of the Department of Public Safety to the Board.







Dick Tummond, Assistant to theCountyCoordinator

A.    Request motion to approve Annual Reports submitted to Florida Housing Finance Corporation.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of the Annual Reports submitted to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation.  This is the close out period for the year 2008/09.  During this period 14 families were assisted in the purchase of homes and 11 families were assisted in owner/occupied rehabilitation for a total of $391,872.70.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Annual Reports submitted to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson reminded everyone of the Levy County Education Foundation Gala on the 28th of this month.

He also announced there will be a drawing for an $800 credit with Carnival Cruise Lines.  The tickets are $10 each.

Comm. Johnson stated there will be a North Florida Broadband meeting tomorrow which he will be attending.


Comm. Drew stated she had recently taken a course from the Department of Justice on Financial Grant Management.


Comm. Joyner announced MorristonBaptistChurchwill be holding its annual Beast Feast on January 28th and invited everyone to attend.


The meeting recessed at 11:02


The meeting reconvened at 11:28





Comm. Stevens called the meeting back to order at 11:28 A.M..

Mr. Moody spoke briefly and suggested each commissioner speak briefly about the items listed.  The following is an overview of each Commissioners top priorities and goals for 2012.


Commissioner Joyner, District 1

A.    Special Events Permit


Comm. Joyner stated he would like to see any special event permit applicant responsible for providing law enforcement and emergency medical services for the event rather than taxpayers providing the service.


B.  One Cent Sales Tax


Comm. Joyner stated he would like to see a one cent sales tax inLevyCountyon all sales to help with county infrastructure.  He stated this will keep property owners from bearing the full load of taxes.


Commissioner Johnson, District 2

A.    Insurance Review


1.      Goal & Objective

2.      Time Line


B.     Technology Plan


1.      Goal & Objective

2.      Communications Infrastructure

3.      Phone System

4.      Inter/intranet



C.     Emergency Services Management


1.     LongTermCountyPlan

2.      Communications


D.    Local/Purchasing Plan


1.      Local Preference Policy

2.      Central Purchasing


E.     Asset Management


1.      Asset Utilization

2.      Inventory Control


F.      Ordinance Review


Annual Review of Ordinances



Commissioner Drew, District 3

A.    Complete the upgrading of the phone systems.


B.     Create an intranet for all county departments.


C.     Central Purchasing and try to buy American wherever possible.


D.    Establish new procedures for appointments to Boards and Commission seats.


E.     Require regular (monthly or quarterly) reporting from all department heads.


F.      Formalize the draft procedure for development review (written by Rob).


G.    Establish a criteria and calendar for employee evaluations.


H.    Biometric time clocks.



Commissioner Bell, District 4

A.    Insurance


B.     Special Events Permit


C.     Local Purchasing Policy


D.    Focus on $1 Million in Operational Budget Changes so we are not under the wire next budget year


E.     Improve on County Asset Inventory Tracking (i.e. GPS Tracking for Autos, Etc.)


F.      Work out better Payroll Clock in/Clock out System (we can discuss)


G.    Develop a Long Term Technology Plan (i.e. Automated Phone Systems, etc.)


H.    Work on Better Purchasing Program (Better Controls on Purchase Orders, Etc.)


I.       Improve Code Enforcement and Compliance on Scattered Debris.







Commissioner Stevens, District 5

A.    Allocate funding for one (1) additional Med Unit.



B.     Provide funding for the 21 acre parcel owned by the County on 337 & 32 for a consultant to do site layout theCountyComplexincluding the Health Department.  The funding should include engineering, site layout, paving and other impervious surface permits, utilities, etc.  The Health Department will be constructed with funding from the Department of Health or other State Grants.


C.     Allocate funds for Inmate Visitation Up-grade or complete change-out of existing system.


D.    Grant Consulting/Management for 2012-2013



The Commissioners all expressed concerns of coming up short again this fiscal year.  It was agreed to work on ways to prevent this from happening again this year.  There was discussion of moving forward with projects costing the least or ones that will save more.

Comm. Drew stated some items like phone system or insurance may cost some now, but will save in the long run.


Mr. Moody states insurance should be dealt with first as Public Risk Management has been given notice we are looking for different insurance.


Other items commonly listed with more than one of the Commissioners were discussed as priority items and will be given the most attention in the coming months.







ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


BOCC Regular Meeting – January 3, 2012

Listen to Audio



JANUARY 3, 2012



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on January 3, 2012 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Danny Stevens

Comm. Marsha Drew

Comm. Ryan Bell


Comm. Mike Joyner

            Also present were:


CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown

CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody

Assistant to theCountyCoordinator– Dick Tummond



Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.  Osborn Barker gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
























TOTAL  $  1,041,424.79




The minutes for the Regular Meeting held December 6, 2011 were presented to the Board for approval.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting held December 6, 2011 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.



Comm. Drew made a motion to appoint Comm. Johnson as Board Chairman and Comm. Bell as Vice-Chairman for 2012.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the votes were cast as follows:


Yes                                 No

Comm. Drew                Comm. Stevens

Comm. Johnson          Comm.Bell

                                         Comm. Joyner




Comm. Bell made a motion to continue this year with Comm. Stevens as Chairman and Comm. Johnson as Vice-Chairman.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Students Working Against Tobacco (S.W.A.T)

A.    Request approval of Resolution 2012-04 urging tobacco retailers to stop the sale and marketing of flavored tobacco products inLevyCounty.


The following students spoke to the Board requesting the approval of Resolution 2012-04 urging tobacco retailers to stop the sale and marketing of flavored tobacco products inLevyCounty:


Ansley Pense

Christian Aresina

Kate Renally

David Hallman

Larry Coleman


Christina Zackary, the Tobacco Prevention Specialist at Levy County Health Department thanked the Board for their time and stated she coordinates the S.W.A.T. in the schools as well as in the community.


After discussion, Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-04.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson.

The Commissioners agreed with S.W.A.T. in their efforts to educate students and discourage the use of tobacco products, but did not feel it was Board’s obligation to ask retailers to not sell certain products.  Commissioners agreed the Resolution should be re-worded to direct its request to the tobacco manufacturers rather than the retailers.


Renate Cannon stated she felt the students which prepared the Resolution should be given the opportunity to re-word it and supported their efforts.

Art Maruna spoke and also supported the efforts of S.W.A.T.

Kay Hallman spoke to the Board and emphasized the need for something to be done to prevent the sale of flavored tobacco to children.

Dana Sheffield spoke and agreed with the students in their efforts and hoped they would be able to re-word the resolution and get it approved.

After discussion, Comm. Drew withdrew her motion and Comm. Johnson also withdrew his second of the motion and will consider the Resolution once the students have had a chance to re-word it.





Danny Shipp, Clerk of Court

A.    Request Board allocate funds for Paul Silverman as Magistrate in Foreclosure actions for Eighth Circuit.


Ann Moody requested on behalf of Mr. Shipp Board approval for the allocation of funds for Paul Silverman as Magistrate in Foreclosure actions for Eighth Circuit in the amount of $10,000.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the allocation of funds as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.







Fred Moody

A.    Ratify Collective Bargaining Agreement betweenLevyCountyProfessional Paramedics and Emergency Technicians IAFF, Local #4069.


Mr. Moody requested Board ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Levy County Professional Paramedics and Emergency Technicians IAFF, Local #4069.  Approval of the agreement will put this contract in effect for the current fiscal year.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.





Karen Blackburn

A.    Present request from Columbia County Board ofCountyCommissionersto appoint a member to a County Official Working Group, which will continue to monitor developments related to water supply issues and develop strategies for the long-term protection of water supplies.


Mrs. Blackburn presented a request from the Columbia County BOCC to appoint a member from the North Florida Economic Development Partnership to a County Official Working Group.  This group has concerns in regard to water being taken from the St. Johns River Water Management District.  There is a meeting scheduled for January 31st at 6:00 P.M. inLakeCity.

The Commissioners agreed they would like to have someone attend to representLevyCounty


Comm. Johnson stated he would be willing to attend but would contact the Board office if he was not able to.





Desiree Painter, General Manager

A.    Request approval to submit Section 5310 Capital Grant application with authorizing resolution.


Ms. Painter requested Board approval to submit the Section 5310 Capital Grant application with authorizing Resolution.  This is an 80/10/10 grant in the amount of $73,033 and will be used to purchase a new transport vehicle.  The county match amount for this grant is $7,303.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve submitting the Section 5310 Capital Grant application with Resolution 2012-01 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


B.     Request approval to submit Section 5311 Operating Grant application with authorizing resolution.


Ms. Painter requested Board approval to submit the Section 5311 Operating Grant application with authorizing resolution.  This is a 50/50 grant used for payroll expenses and they are asking for $661,559.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve submitting the Section 5311 Operating Grant application with Resolution 2012-02 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.


C.     Request approval to submit Section 5316 Operating funding for Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) Grant application with authorizing resolution.


Ms. Painter requested Board approval to submit Section 5316 Operating funding for Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) Grant application with authorizing resolution.  This is a 50/50 grant in the amount of $450,000.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve submitting the Section 5316 Operating funding for Job Access Reverse Commute with Resolution 2012-06 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


D.    Request approval to submit Section 5317 New Freedom Capital Grant with authorizing resolution.


Ms. Painter requested Board approval to submit the Section 5317 New Freedom Capital Grant with authorizing resolution.  This is an 80/20 grant to be used for the purchase of a vehicle in the amount of $73,033.  The county’s portion will be $14,670.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve submitting the Section 5317 New Freedom Capital Grant with Resolution 2012-08 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


E.     Request approval to submit Section 5317 New Freedom Operating Grant with authorizing resolution.


Ms. Painter requested Board approval to submit the Section 5317 New Freedom Operating Grant with authorizing resolution.  This is a 50/50 grant in the amount of $168,690.  Ms. Painter stated the amount she will ultimately be asking for is $84,345.


Comm. Drew made a motion to approve submitting the Section 5317 New Freedom Operating Grant with Resolution 2012-07.  Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.


F.      Request approval for a revised agreement for Steve Tocknell scope of services. – TABLED –





Dick Tummond, Director

A.    Request approval of Resolution 2012-03, authorizing the Chair or Vice-Chair in the Chair’s absence or inability, to execute Satisfactions of Mortgage on behalf of the county for Satisfactions of State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) program loans, upon payment in full of all amounts owed to county or otherwise meeting requirements for execution.


Mr. Tummond requested Board approval of Resolution 2012-13.


Comm. Bell made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-03 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. Johnson reminded everyone the Levy County Education Foundation Gala will be on January 28th at 6:00 P.M. in Chiefland.


Comm. Bell

Discussion and decision regarding any presentation the Board may want to make at the public input session before the Atomic Safety Licensing Board for the combined operating license application for Progress Energy’s proposed power plants inLevyCounty.


Comm. Bell stated he would be attending and Comm. Stevens stated he was also planning to attend.  Discussion followed regarding the Board’s concerns for environmental impacts.  It was decided by consensus Comm. Stevens would speak on the Board’s behalf at the session.


The workshop which had been scheduled right after this meeting will take place directly following the next board meeting.


Comm. Drew had passed information to each of the Commissioners and informed them Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam is now in charge of the Energy Office.  She asked the other Commissioners if they would be in favor of drafting a resolution supporting his work to support renewable energy.  The Commissioners were in agreement they would consider this item at the next meeting.






ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                          Chairman, Danny Stevens


About E-Filing

Levy County Clerk of Court will soon be offering E-filing services.

The Florida Courts E-Filing Authority Board was created pursuant to legislative directive to provide oversight to the development, implementation and operation of a statewide portal designed to process the filing of court documents.

Watch this brief video for more information on E-filing:

Here’s a list of resources and manuals from FACC on their website.

Presentation Resources:

Presentation in PDF

FACC ePortal eFiling Documentation

Florida ePortal and eFiling FAQs

E-Filing Contact for Levy County:

Deanna Dobbins, Director of Court Services

Phone: 352-486-5266, Ext. 255

Email: [email protected]

Redactions: Important information

Please note the important, following information regarding redaction and redacted documents:

On January 1, 2012, pursuant to section 119.0714(e)(1)of Florida Statues and Judicial Rule 2.420

Effective on January 1, 2012, and thereafter, the clerk of the court must keep social security numbers confidential and exempt as provided for in s. 119.071(5)(a), and bank account, debit, charge, and credit card numbers exempt as provided for in s. 119.071(5)(b) and Pursuant to Judicial Rule 2.420(see rule for detail), without any person having to request redaction.

In accordance with the above mentioned statute the Clerk of Court request 48 hours to produce the redacted file for public view.

All requests shall be made to the division in which your case is filed within 48 hours prior to reviewing a court file.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation with this matter.

Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Circuit Court

Commitment to you

As your Clerk of the Circuit Court here in Levy County, Florida, I am pleased to provide you with this Web Site for access to information about the services and functions of the Clerk’s Office. We are deeply committed to protecting the Public Records and serving you.

I encourage you to explore our Web Site and familiarize yourself with the services and functions of the Clerk’s Office. We welcome your E-mail for recommendations and suggestions on ways to improve our services to you. We pledge to continue our efforts to provide you with the most efficient, cost effective service possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

Explore Levy County

Visit Levy County, Florida!

Discover your next adventure in a world of natural wonders far beyond the hustle and noise of man-made attractions. Outdoor enthusiasts and sportsmen have long found a wealth of opportunities within the boundaries of Levy County. Word has spread about this diverse, unspoiled region known as “Florida’s Natural Paradise” where the human population is dwarfed by the multitude of birds and wildlife that call the area home… Read More