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BOCC Regular Meeting – July 8, 2014



JULY 8, 2014



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on July 8, 2014 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room of the Levy County Courthouse with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman Ryan Bell

Comm. John Meeks

Comm. Mike Joyner

Comm. Danny Stevens

Comm. Chad Johnson

            Also present were:


Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp

County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown

County Coordinator – Fred Moody



Comm. Bell called the Meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.  Comm. Johnson gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Comm. Meeks.




Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.




































TOTAL   $ 2,429,608.64





The minutes for the Regular Board Meetings held on June 3, 2014 and June 17, 2014 were presented for Board approval.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Board meeting held on June 3, 2014 with amendments as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Board meeting held on June 17, 2014 with amendments as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.

Comm. Bell asked everyone to observe a moment of silence for the Gene Hodges family as he passed away over the weekend.  Mr. Hodges was the current mayor of Cedar Key and a former State Representative.


Comm. Bell announced there will be a pet adoption event hosted by the Levy County Animal Services on July 12, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at Tractor Supply, 2202 N. Young Blvd, #100, Chiefland, FL.  The adoption rates are reduced and the spay/neuter fees will be waived.





Carol McQueen, Director

Request approval to contract between Clear Channel (billboard advertisement company) and Levy County Commission for $9,928.00 for four (4) billboard signs on I-75 for six (6) months.  Two (2) signs facing North and two (2) signs facing South.

Mrs. McQueen requested Board approval of a contract between Clear Channel and Levy County in the amount of $9,928 for billboard signs on I-75 for six (6) months.  This item is included in their budget and has been approved by the Tourist Development Council.


Comm. Meeks made a motion to approve the contract between Clear Channel and Levy County as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mrs. McQueen informed the Board of a traveling exhibit of the Smithsonian Institute which will be coming to Cedar Key for six (6) weeks beginning September 13th with a reception and ending on October 18th, the same day of the Cedar Key Seafood Festival.  She invited everyone to visit the exhibit which will be housed upstairs in the Cedar Key Library.





Clay Woods from the Morriston Baptist Church spoke to the Board of the “Love Levy” Community Help Center located in Morriston.  He stated it is an outreach ministry providing food, clothing and biblical guidance as well as providing the opportunity for those needing to do Community Service hours for probation.





Ryan Bell, Chairman

Recognition and appreciation to Eddie Hodge for outstanding achievement serving as President of the Williston Timber Company Incorporated and being named as the 2014 Florida Logger of the year.


Comm. Bell presented a certificate of appreciation to Eddie Hodge for his outstanding achievement serving as President of the Williston Timber Company, Inc. and being named the 2014 Florida Logger of the Year.






Kelly Jerrels, Construction Superintendent

Request to adopt Resolution 2014-24 approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close a portion of an unimproved right-of-way located in King’s Hill Subdivision, as requested by petitioner, David V. Benton.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval of Resolution 2014-24 approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close a portion of an unimproved right-of-way located in King’s Hill Subdivision.


Comm. Bell asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the item presented.  There were none.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-24 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Kelly Jerrels, Construction Superintendent

  1. Present bid awards for C40E SCRAP grant project.


Andrew Carswell of Mills Engineering presented the bids received for the C40E SCRAP grant project.  The bids are listed below:


DAB Constructors, Inc.                      $1,232,222.22

Anderson Columbia Co., Inc.             $1,375,000.00

Pave-Rite, Inc.                                                $1,360,552.82


Comm. Meeks made a motion to award the bid for the C40E SCRAP grant project to DAB Constructors, Inc. and give authorization to the Chairman to sign the Agreement.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request permission to advertise to bid for yearly operating supplies for the Levy County Road Department.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval to advertise for bids for yearly operating supplies for the Levy County Road Department.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve advertising for yearly operating supply bids for the Road Department as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request permission to repair grapple truck.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval to make repairs to one of the grapple trucks.  The only company specializing in repairs needed for this truck is Tampa Spring Company.  The total of the quote received is $18,034.10 plus $1,000 for a new drive shaft.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve making repairs to the grapple truck by using Tampa Spring Company for a total amount of $18,034.10 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks.


After discussion, Comm. Stevens amended his motion to include the amount of $1,000 for a drive shaft making the total amount $19,034.10.  Second was amended by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of Small County Outreach Program (SCOP) Addendum.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval of the Small County Outreach Program (SCOP) Addendum.  Levy County is eligible for and has requested a Rural Economic Development Initiative waiver to waive the required 25% participation and this has been granted.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve the Small County Outreach Program (SCOP) Addendum as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mark Johnson, Director

  1. Request permission to acquire two (2) high wheeled vehicles from Suwannee Forestry Center, Lake City.


Mr. Johnson requested Board approval to enter into a lease agreement with the Suwannee Forestry Center in Lake City to acquire (2) LMTV (Light/Medium Tactical Vehicles) high wheeled vehicles.  There is a lease agreement in place with the Suwannee Forestry Center which they could piggy-back for these two (2) vehicles.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Emergency Management Department entering into a lease agreement with the Suwannee Forestry Center to acquire two (2) LMT vehicles as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Stevens asked Mr. Johnson to provide a copy of the lease agreement to Atty. Brown.



  1. Request permission to apply for a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Grant Application.


Mr. Johnson requested Board approval to apply for a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Grant Application in the amount of $13,000.  The match amount will be met by using CERT man-hours.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve application for the CERT Grant Application as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.






Shenley Neely, Director

Request to adopt Ordinance 2014-05 amending the schedule of capital improvements for Levy County required annually by the Florida Statute.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval of Ordinance 2014-05 amending the schedule of capital improvements for Levy County required annually by Florida Statute.  She then read the title of the Ordinance into public record.



Comm. Bell asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the Ordinance as presented.  There were none.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve Ordinance 2014-05 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Martha Garcia-Baker presented the Audit Report to the Board for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.






Fred Moody

  1. On behalf of the Town of Yankeetown, request approval to grade and resurface with limestone gravel, 1001 Old Rock Road, off of County Road 40 in Yankeetown.


Mr. Moody requested on behalf of the Town of Yankeetown Board approval to grade and resurface with limestone gravel, 1001 Old Rock Rd., off of CR 40 in Yankeetown.  Mr. Moody introduced Debra Wise, Yankeetown Mayor and Sally Douglas, Vice Chairman of the Yankeetown Board of Trustees who were in attendance.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve resurfacing of 1001 Old Rock Rd. in Yankeetown as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request a motion to set health insurance premiums paid by the Board for employee’s coverage for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval to set health insurance premiums paid by the Board for employee’s coverage for fiscal year 2014-2015.  There is an overall increase of 4% which will be absorbed by the Board, as in past years.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to set health insurance premiums paid by the Board for employee’s coverage as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of Resolution 2014-30 for Preliminary Rate Resolution for Fire Protection Services.


Mr. Moody requested the Board set a date for an evening Public Hearing to discuss the Rate Assessments for the upcoming fiscal year.  He suggested the date of September 11, 2014 at 6:00 P.M.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the date of September 11th at 6:00 P.M.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.

Mr. Moody requested Board approval of Resolution 2014-30, Preliminary Rate Resolution for Fire Protection Services.


Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-30 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of Resolution 2014-31 for Preliminary Rate Resolution for EMS Tax Assessment.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of Resolution 2014-31, Preliminary Rate Resolution for EMS Tax Assessment.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-31 as presented.  Second was by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of Resolution 2014-32 for Preliminary Rate Resolution for Solid Waste Assessment.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of Resolution 2014-32, Preliminary Rate Resolution for Solid Waste Assessment.


Comm. Meeks made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-32 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of Resolution 2014-33 for Preliminary Rate Resolution for Roadway Maintenance Service Assessments.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of Resolution 2014-33, Preliminary Rate Resolution for Roadway Maintenance Service Assessments.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-33 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


Tracy Hareza who resides in Chiefland Estates spoke to the Board regarding the increase in her Roadway Maintenance Service Assessment and the lack of regular maintenance to the road.


Comm. Bell spoke to Ms. Hareza explaining the increase in Roadway Maintenance Service Assessment amount.





David Knowles, Director

  1. Request approval for Resolution 2014-29 and authorization for Mr. Moody to sign the necessary forms for membership with Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval of Resolution 2014-29 and authorization for Mr. Moody to sign the necessary forms for membership with Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy.  This membership will enable the Department of Public Safety to purchase pharmaceutical products at a reduced cost.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve Resolution 2014-29 with authorization for Mr. Moody to sign the necessary forms as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mr. Knowles reported to the Board the recent award of a grant by the State EMS Matching Grant Program for roughly $140,000.  Also, out of the 14 projects awarded by the State, Levy County was awarded two (2) of the 14 projects throughout the State of Florida for the 90/10, 75/25 matching grants.  A check from the University of Florida in the amount of $12,500 received recently has helped to offset the communications replacement shelter at the Inglis tower site.


  1. Request approval and authorization for Mr. Moody to sign the MOU and application forms for a Public Safety Explorer Program.  As well, authorize Mr. Moody or his designee to execute future MOU’s.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval and authorization for Mr. Moody to sign the MOU and application forms for a Public Safety Explorer Program.  The Explorer program will promote youth involvement in our community and assist with recruitment of local individuals.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve with authorization for Mr. Moody to sign the MOU and application forms for a Public Safety Explorer Program as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request Board’s approval to complete a line item transfer from reserve contingency, and the Chairman’s signature to purchase the following:  Emergency Medical Dispatch and Emergency Fire Dispatch software; additional upgrades to Interact CAD; purchase 15 tablets for the Mobile Data Terminal Operations of the CAD; upgrade of the Sheriff’s Office Digital Voice Recorder; purchase two road rescue safety units.


Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to complete a line item transfer from Reserve Contingency with the Chairman’s signature to purchase the following:


Emergency Medical Dispatch and Emergency Fire Dispatch Software

Additional Upgrades to Interact CAD

15 Tablets for the Mobile Data Terminal Operations of the CAD

Upgrade of the Sheriff’s Office Digital Voice Recorder

Two (2) Road Safety Units


Mr. Knowles also thanked Sheriff McCallum for his efforts in getting the dispatching program in place for the Sheriff’s Department as it will benefit them and the Department of Public Safety by allowing them to improve dispatching communication between the departments.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the line item transfer with the Chairman’s signature as requested upon review by Att. Brown.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Anne Bast Brown

Request to adopt Order to Allow Exemption from Road Impact Fees for Florentine Recreation, LLC.


Atty. Brown requested the Board adopt an Order to Allow Exemption from Road Impact Fees for Florentine Recreation, LLC.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to adopt the Order to Allow Exemption from Road Impact Fees for Florentine Recreation, LLC.  Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mrs. Cannon asked what the amount was being waived for Florentine Recreation, LLC.

Mr. Hammond answered the amount exempted was around $11,000.


Terry Witt asked about the speakers in the Commission room and could it be fixed.

Mr. Shipp answered repairs were not feasible, the system would eventually need to be replaced.





Comm. Stevens stated the other Bible based organization in Williston is “Healing Hearts”.  They are working with the Love Levy organization to help the community.


Comm. Joyner thanked the Road Department for their quick response for a tree removal call over the holiday weekend.

Comm. Joyner reported Jerry Mills from Williston FFA won a State FFA Member award recently.


Comm. Johnson thanked all who donated time and money for the recent 4th of July activities.

Comm. Johnson commended those in Levy County who have won the FFA Star Greenhand award and other awards at the State level in the recent years.


Atty. Brown requested on behalf of Comm. Bell Board approval to appoint Dr. Richard B. Streeter to the RESTORE Act Advisory Committee as a Citizen Representative.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to appoint Dr. Richard B. Streeter to the RESTORE Act Advisory Committee as a Citizen Representative.  Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Bell thanked all who helped in making the 4th of July celebration activities possible in the county.

Comm. Bell stated Duke Energy will be hosting an open house at the Plantation Inn in Crystal River on July 10th from 3:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Comm. Bell also spoke of the progress made in Cedar Key with the CRA relating to fecal runoff and how the capture of storm runoff in holding tanks helps the shellfish industry.

Comm. Bell asked if the Commissioners wanted to set any budget workshop dates today or later.

It was agreed to set a Budget Workshop following the Regular Board Meeting scheduled for July 22nd.


Comm. Bell reminded the Commissioners the Levy County Soil and Water Conservation District’s Annual Luncheon is today at the Bronson United Methodist Church.





ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS




____________________________________                                    ____________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                                 Chairman, Ryan Bell