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BOCC Regular Meeting – February 17, 2015



FEBRUARY 17, 2015


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on February 17, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman John Meeks

Comm. Rock Meeks

Comm. Danny Stevens

Comm. Lilly Rooks

Comm. Mike Joyner


Also present were:


Danny J. Shipp – Clerk of Court

County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown

County Coordinator – Fred Moody


Chairman John Meeks called the Meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.  Comm. Rock Meeks gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Comm. Stevens.





CHECK NUMBER 118736-118894
ROAD 936,067.34
SHIP 26,812.50
PAL LIBRARY 2,376.70
EMS 45,179.29
FIRE 74,228.04
UTILITIES 2,675.61
IMPACT FEES – EMS 1,617.37
DEBT SERVICE 53,423.75
LANDFILL 22,803.94
TOTAL  $ 1,279,320.79





The minutes for the regular Board meeting held on January 6, 2015 were presented for approval.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular Board meeting held on January 6, 2015 with changes.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Ron Grant spoke to the Board expressing his concerns of the approval and cost of the work done to the Commission meeting room without a vote.


Comm. John Meeks and Mr. Moody answered questions and responded to Mr. Grants concerns.

Mr. Moody stated he had given the authorization to get the work done due to unforeseen change orders which needed approval in order for construction to continue.





Rick Dolan, Forestry Center Manager

Presenting a check for revenue generated on Goethe State Forest.


Mr. Dolan presented a check in the amount of $50,137.76 to the Board which reflects the distribution of the Goethe State Forest receipts for the fiscal year 2013-2014.


Comm. Joyner acknowledged Ben Beauchamp for his work with the organization and execution of the controlled burns done by the Florida Forest Service.





David Knowles, Director

Presenting Appreciation Award to Regional General Hospital of Williston.


Chief Knowles presented an Appreciation Award to Regional General Hospital of Williston accepted by Dr. Devaiah Pagidipati.  Regional General Hospital of Williston had assisted in providing lodging accommodations for the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Competition Teams while participating in competitions out of town in January, 2015.





Mike West, 911 Addressing

Request approval for electronic acceptance of the GEM Smart 911 Services Agreement.


Mr. West requested Board approval for electronic acceptance of the GEM Smart 911 Services Agreement.  This GEM Smart 911 Services Agreement with the third party vendor TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS) allows them to receive text to 911, transfer those texts to other agencies, as well as retrieve past text conversations.

Comm. Joyner made a motion to allow electronic acceptance of the GEM Smart 911 Services Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.





Tammy Jones, Supervisor of Elections

Request approval and Chairman’s signature for matching funds for the Federal Election Activities grant.  This matching money has already been pre-approved and is in the Supervisor of Elections 2014-2015 budget.


Mrs. Jones requested Board approval and the Chairman’s signature for matching funds for the Federal Election Activities grant.  The federal election activities funds are used for voter education.  Mrs. Jones stated the State provides $6,297.65 if the county matches 15% which is $944.65.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Chairman’s signature for matching funds for the Federal Election Activities grant as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.






Fred Moody

  1. Request approval to award the George T. Lewis Airport Base Bid Runway 5-23 Improvement Plan to the lowest bidder.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of the George T. Lewis Airport Base Bid Runway 5-23 Improvement Plan to HL Pruitt in the amount of $622,887, which was the only bid received.  Mr. Moody also requested the approval for the Chairman to sign the Contract Agreement.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the bid as presented to HL Pruitt and approval for the Chairman to sign the Contract Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of annual assessment programs maintenance agreements for EMS, Fire Protection, Road Maintenance, and Solid Waste.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of annual assessment programs maintenance agreements for EMS, Fire Protection, Road Maintenance, and Solid Waste by utilizing Government Services Group, Inc. for provision of rate consultant services.  The fee for services is as follows:


Fire Protection                        $10,000

Road Maintenance                  $  8,000

Solid Waste                             $  7,500

EMS                                        $10,000

Total                                        $35,000


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the annual assessment programs maintenance agreements as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Update on Grants Coordinator position.


Mr. Moody gave an update to the Board regarding the Grants Coordinator position.  He reported there were seven (7) applicants and one has been selected.  Tisha Whitehurst, who currently works in the Parks and Mosquito Control department has been awarded the position with an annual salary of $32,500 and will begin February 23rd unless a replacement is hired for her current position sooner.  Office space is being made in the same building as the Mosquito Control office and Tourist Development office.


  1. Request approval to award the Legal and Official Advertising bid to lowest bidder.


Mr. Moody requested the Board award the Legal and Official Advertising bid to the lowest bidder, Levy County Publishing, Inc.  The bids received were as follows:


Florida Newspaper, LLC d/b/a Chiefland Citizen

Price per line first publication                         $  .09

Price per line each subsequent publication      $  .0765

Price per inch first publication                        $1.97

Price per inch each subsequent publication     $1.6745




Levy County Publishing, Inc. (Levy County Journal)

Price per line first publication                         $  .06

Price per line each subsequent publication      $  .051

Price per inch first publication                        $1.50

Price per inch each subsequent publication     $1.275


Comm. Joyner made a motion to award the Legal and Official Advertising bid to the lowest bidder, Levy County Publishing, Inc. (Levy County Journal).  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of a tax ordinance workshop.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of a Tax Ordinance Workshop regarding the business tax abatement voted on in the General Election in November.


After discussion, it was agreed by consensus of the Board to hold a Tax Ordinance Workshop after the Regular Board Meeting on March 3rd beginning at 11:00 A.M.


  1. Request approval to declare Transit bus surplus for auction purposes.


Mr. Moody requested on behalf of Connie Conley Board approval to declare a 29 passenger Transit bus surplus for auction purposes.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to declare the Transit bus surplus for auction purposes as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTIN CARRIES.


  1. Request Board consideration for approval and chair’s signature on the Regions Commercial Card Agreement. Also seeking the Board’s authority for Fred Moody, to sign the Commercial Card Agreement Set up Form, the Revenue Sharing Schedule, and any other documents required to be signed by the County at closing.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval and the Chairman’s signature on the Regions Commercial Card Agreement.  Mr. Moody also requested Board approval to sign the Commercial Card Agreement Set up Form, the Revenue Sharing Schedule, and any other documents required to be signed by the County at Closing.  By using the Regions Commercial Card, the County will be able to pay ongoing bills and eligible for cash rewards.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve with the Chairman’s signature the Regions Commercial Agreement as well as authorizing Mr. Moody to sign the Commercial Card Agreement Set up Form, the Revenue Sharing Schedule, and any other documents required to be signed by the County at Closing.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.






Comm. Meeks requested the Board hear a non-agenda item concerning Emergency Management.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to hear a Non-Agenda Item.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mark Johnson requested Board approval to contract with a company for a one-day Table-Top Exercise for the 2015 Hurricane Season.  The two (2) bids received were from:


Disaster Resistant Communities Group, LLC            $  4,500

AMEC, Inc., Environment & Infrastructure              $10,500


Comm. Joyner made a motion to award a contract for a one-day Table-Top Exercise to Disaster Resistant Communities Group, LLC, the lowest bid.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Shenley Neely, Planning Director

  1. Request approval of a Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Mary McCann, PA #527 in the amount of $12,012.50 for an existing unit in Bronson, FL.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval of a Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Mary McCann, PA #527 in the amount of $12,012.50 for an existing unit in Bronson, FL.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Mary McCann, PA #527 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.






Comm. Rock Meeks made a motion to hear a non-agenda item regarding Animal Services.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mr. Weatherford requested Board approval to waive adoption fees for dogs and cats for the Adoption Event coming up this Saturday, March 7th.  The event will be held at the Tractor Supply store in Chiefland.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to waive the adoption fees for animal adoptions at the event as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

Request approval and Chairman’s signature on the Technical Service Support Agreement between Physio Control and Levy County for $16,938.00.


Chief Knowles requested Board approval and Chairman’s signature on the Technical Service Support Agreement between Physio Control and Levy County for $16,938.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve with the Chairman’s signature the Technical Service Support Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval to submit applications for the 2015 DOH 90/10 EMS Matching Grant.


Chief Knowles requested Board approval to submit applications for the 2015 DOH 90/10 EMS Matching Grant as listed below:


11 Stretcher Auto Load Systems        $33,260.70

Simulation Training Equipment          $12.549.00

4 LUCAS Compression Devices        $  8,692.80

5 Portable Ventilators                           $  4,270.00

Total                                                        $58,772.50


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve applications for the 2015 DOH 90/10 EMS Matching Grant as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request to ratify radio purchases due to the narrowbanding requirements.


Chief Knowles requested Board ratification of radio purchases due to the narrowbanding requirements.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to ratify the radio purchases as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.




Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Road Superintendent

Request approval to purchase a John Deere 744K II Loader for $280,697.00.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval to purchase a John Deere 744K II Loader in the amount of $280,697.00 by utilizing the State of Florida Contract.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the purchase of a John Deere 744K II Loader from Highland Tractor Company utilizing the State of Florida Contract as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mrs. Gaither requested signage to be placed on or around the recycle trailer at Manatee Jiffy indicating what not to dump in the trailer.


Mr. Moody stated Code Enforcement can place signs advising the public what is acceptable to be dumped in the trailers.


Anthony Senna also spoke about the garbage dumping and questioned if this could be monitored.


Dana Sheffield spoke to the Board and announced there will be an Expo along with an Air Show and Car Show at the Cross City Airport on May 16th if anyone would be interested.





Comm. John Meeks requested the re-appointment of  the following to the RESTORE Act Advisory Committee:  David Pieklik, Economic Development Representative; Bruce Wilson, Tourism Industry Representative; Citizen Representatives Jolie Davis, Jack Schofield, and Dr. Richard B. Streeter.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to re-appoint the committee representatives as stated above.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. John Meeks stated there is a Tommy Dunsford Memorial fundraiser planned for this Sunday.  Bar-B-Q dinners will be for sale at the Am-Vets Post 88.  Funds raised will be used for the Wreaths Across America program.


Comm. Rock Meeks announced the CAAA Baseball Bash is this Saturday beginning at 9:00 A.M. at Strickland Park in Chiefland.


Comm. Joyner asked Mr. Moody to send a letter of appreciation to the Sheriff’s Department regarding the volunteer work done by the Citizens on Patrol with the controlled-burns done recently in keeping the roadways safe.

The Board agreed by consensus to have a letter of appreciation sent by Mr. Moody to the Sheriff’s Department on behalf of the Board.


Comm. Joyner reminded everyone of the upcoming Suwannee River Fair which runs from the first week in March until the sale date of March 18th.


Comm. Rooks stated she was in Cedar Key yesterday and will be in Inglis on Wednesday, to meet with the public to discuss any issues they may want to speak with her about.  Comm. Rooks stated the other Town meeting times and dates.


Comm. Rooks requested a letter to be sent by the Board in support for the Town of Otter Creek Water System.


Randy Caldwell, Town Councilman for Town of Otter Creek spoke to the Board regarding the Town of Otter Creek requesting financial assistance from the State for a Water System.


Comm. Rooks made a motion to approve a letter to be prepared and sent to Tallahassee in support of the Town of Otter Creek Water System.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





ATTEST:                                                                                                    BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS



______________________________________                            ______________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                              Chairman, John Meeks


BOCC Regular Meeting – February 3, 2015



FEBRUARY 3, 2015



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on February 3, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman John Meeks

Comm. Rock Meeks

Comm. Danny Stevens

Comm. Lilly Rooks

Comm. Mike Joyner


Also present were:


County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown

County Coordinator – Fred Moody


Chairman John Meeks called the Meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.  Comm. Rock Meeks gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Comm. Stevens.




CHECK NUMBER  118580-118735
GENERAL REVENUE 1,405,509.10
ROAD 91,375.82
SHIP 3,665.00
PAL LIBRARY 4,900.30
911 11,845.25
EMS 41,896.92
FIRE 147,450.75
UTILITIES 4,354.26
IMPACT FEES – EMS 13,623.11
LANDFILL 67,815.48
TOTAL  $ 1,840,275.98




The minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held on December 16, 2014 and January 20, 2015 were presented for Board approval.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular Board meeting held on December 16, 2014 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Rock Meeks made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular Board meeting held on January 20, 2015 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.






Ron Grant requested information from the Board concerning the remodeling of the County Commission meeting room.  Mr. Grant asked if this remodel was:


  • voted on by the Board and who made the motion
  • who the contractor was and were they chosen by the bid process
  • total cost of the renovations


Comm. John Meeks answered the remodel of the Commission room was done as part of the office remodel done upstairs in the Clerk’s Office.  The contractor was Staley Construction.  Comm. Meeks stated he did not have a total cost but could get that information for Mr. Grant.  Comm. Meeks stated he would research when the improvements were approved.





Robert Lowyns, Director

Presenting Proclamation 2015-05 declaring Levy County as a Purple Heart County.


Mr. Lowyns requested Board approval of Proclamation 2015-05 declaring Levy County as a Purple Heart County.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve Proclamation 2015-05 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Presentation of a Purple Heart flag was made to the Commissioners by Mr. Lowyns and State Commander Richard Hunt of the Military Order of Purple Hearts for the State of Florida.





David Knowles, Director

Presenting Appreciation Awards for Dixie Auto Salvage, LKQ, and Levy County Shop Manager, Charlie Bedford.


Chief Knowles presented appreciation awards to Marty Wright of LKQ and Levy County Road Department Shop Manager, Charlie Bedford.  Mr. Bedford also accepted the award on behalf of Dixie Auto Salvage.





Mayor Glenda Kirkland

Request approval for Levy County to give millings that have been removed from SR 40.


Ms. Kirkland requested the Board give the Town of Inglis the milling removed from SR 40.

Lance Trafford, Public Works Director for the Town of Inglis also spoke giving information on how many loads of milling it would take to do a single road.


Comm. Joyner suggested Ms. Kirkland speak with Bruce Greenlee and Fred Moody to determine how much milling could be given as there are other roads in the County in need of repair.


Ms. Kirkland also asked if the portion of SR 40 extending to the gulf would be paved.


Mr. Greenlee stated this part of the road had been approved to use Small County Outreach Program Grant money.







Fred Moody

  1. Discussion and direction regarding the C Street Bridge replacement in Cedar Key.


Mr. Moody stated be had been contacted by Jordan Green with DOT who is requesting some direction from the Board regarding the C Street Bridge replacement as they anticipate some complications with construction.  They are requesting this project be moved out until fiscal year 2019 (7/1/18-6/30/19) to allow time to analyze all aspects of this project.


Comm. Rooks stated some of the concerns from the local business owners with regard to staging and how this will affect businesses.  Comm. Rooks stated she is happy with the decision to postpone the C Street Bridge replacement until fiscal year 2019.


  1. Request approval of a grant application for the University Oaks water utilities.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of a grant application for the University Oaks water utilities.


Debby Preble of Preble-Rish, Inc. spoke to the Board stating the distribution system needs to be replaced and they are seeking grant funds to assist with this expense.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the grant application for the University Oaks water utilities as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of an amendment with the Waccasassa Channel Marker agreement.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of an amendment with the Waccasassa Channel Marker agreement with Preble-Rish, Inc.  The fee for the amendment is $5,500 and would include the bid package and construction phase services.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the amendment with the Waccasassa Channel Marker agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Road Superintendent

Request approval of Interlocal Agreement between Levy County and City of Chiefland.


Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Levy County and the City of Chiefland.  This will be for a Community Development Block Grant Project for roadway improvements along CR320 between US 19/98 and CR 321.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Levy County and the City of Chiefland as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Anne Bast Brown

  1. Request approval to reject all bids for Legal and Official Advertising for Levy County.


Atty. Brown requested Board approval to reject all bids for Legal and Official Advertising for Levy County as the bidders had not complied with the requirements.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to reject all bids for Legal and Official Advertising for Levy County.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner.


Steve Scott, representing the Levy County Journal spoke to the Board concerning the bidding process.


Atty. Brown addressed concerns spoke of by Mr. Scott.


Andy Andrews spoke to the Board concerning the bid process.


After discussion by the Commissioners, Comm. John Meeks called for the vote and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of the revised bid documents and direct County staff to proceed with bid process set out in revised bid documents.


As a result of issues with the original bid documents staff amended the bid documents to change the line ad price to a per line price based on a minimum 1.5” column width, to clarify the 85% limitation for the rates for the second and subsequent publications was a bid requirement being imposed by the County regardless of any other statutory provisions, and to reflect figures should not be rounded up in calculations of the 85% rate limitation.  Atty. Brown requested Board approval of the revised bid documents setting a new bid due date of February 12, 2015 and direct County staff to proceed with the bid process set out in the revised bid documents.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the revised bid documents and direct County staff to proceed with the bid process set out in the revised bid documents.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval and authorize the County Coordinator to execute engagement letter with Nabors, Giblin, and Nickerson, P.A. for lease document review and bond counsel services for funding for acquisition of Road Department equipment and to authorize the County Coordinator, County Attorney, and Road Department staff to proceed with incurrence of the debt to purchase the equipment.-TABLED-





Art Maruna spoke to the Board concerning the need for re-striping of Buie Park Road in Chiefland.


Comm. John Meeks stated he will ask Mr. Greenlee to determine what can be done.


Michael Gaither asked the Board if a stray, injured animal found in Levy County will be cared for by the County Veterinarian.  Also, Mr. Gaither asked if animals adopted at the Animal Adoption events will be spayed or neutered in-house.


Mr. Moody answered each animal brought to Animal Services will be evaluated on a case by case basis as it is seen by the Veterinarian.


Comm. John Meeks answered at this it may not be possible by March, but the facilities are being made ready by the following Pet Adoption event.





Comm. Rooks stated she will be going to each of the Towns within the County to meet with people.  A schedule will be made available.


Comm. Stevens reported of a letter received from Mayor Heathcoat of the City of Williston thanking Levy County Transit and the driver for the Suwannee River League of Cities quarter gathering at Williston Crossings.


Comm. John Meeks announced the Superintendents Gala is coming up February 14th and recommended contacting one of the School Board members for ticket information.

Comm. John Meeks spoke of the RESTORE Act and the progress being made with regard to the local oyster farmers in the big bend area.




ATTEST:                                                                                             BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS



___________________________________                          ______________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                     Chairman, John Meeks