AUGUST 2, 2011
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on August 2, 2011 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board ofCountyCommissionersmeeting room, with the following Commissioners present:
Chairman Danny Stevens
Comm. Ryan Bell
Comm. Marsha Drew
Also present were:
Clerk of Court – Danny J. Shipp
CountyAttorney– Anne Bast Brown
CountyCoordinator– Fred Moody
Assistant to theCountyCoordinator–Dick Tummond
Chairman Stevens called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment. Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.
105466-105578 |
1,028,891.94 |
26,112.70 |
89.95 |
1,244.20 |
911 |
10,583.33 |
7.00 |
1,413.72 |
8,452.40 |
87,313.10 |
334.64 |
825.20 |
2,168.41 |
919.59 |
10,918.89 |
TOTAL | $ 1,179,275.07 |
Approval of minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held July 5, 2011.
Comm. Drew made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held July 5, 2011. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
Patty Galyean, Executive Assistant
A. Ratify a grant application for Drug Task Force Unit.
Mrs. Galyean requested Board approval to ratify a grant application for the Byrne Grant, which is the continuing grant for the Drug Task Force. The amount of the grant is $60,003.
Comm. Drew made a motion to ratify the grant application for the Drug Task Force Unit as requested. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
Rob Corbitt, Director
A. Consider approval of Hardship Variance for Richard and Tami Hooper (HaVa 2-11).
Mr. Corbitt requested Board approval of Hardship Variance Ha.Va. 2-11 for petitioners Richard and Tami Hooper. The Hardship Variance is to allow a second dwelling in order to care for the mother of Richard Hooper.
Comm. Stevens asked if there was any ex-parte by the Commissioners. There was none.
Comm. Stevens asked if anyone would like to speak for or against this petition.
Richard Hooper stated the hardship variance is to allow him to care for his mother.
Comm. Drew made a motion to approve Hardship Variance Ha.Va. 2-11 as presented. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
Fred Moody
A. Public Safety Director employment negotiations.
Mr. Moody requested Board approval of the Committee recommendations for the Public Safety Director nominee, David Knowles a salary of $68,500 to begin August 22. A mid-term evaluation would be done at three months and after a six month evaluation the salary would increase to $75,000. Mr. Knowles would be required to relocate toLevyCountywithin six months and the position is not contracted, but an at-will position.
Comm. Drew made a motion to accept the proposed negotiations and hire David Knowles as the Levy County Public Safety Director. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
B. Group Health Insurance.
Mr. Moody requested a Board decision on the Group Health Insurance coverage either at the morning meeting or the evening meeting today.
Comm. Bell spoke to the other Commissioners of information regarding switching the current Health Insurance to a HSA plan (Health Savings Account).
Mrs. Martin gave information to the Commissioners for review of possible savings in choosing the HSA plan as well as information on employee Life Insurance. The Life Insurance rates decreased from $.26 to $.23 per $1,000 and there will be a new Voluntary Life Benefit for spouse’s, which may be purchased by the employee.
Mrs. Martin then provided information for the Commissioners regarding the HSA plan offered by the current insurance company used, Blue Cross Blue Shield.
After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to research the information provided before making a decision at the evening meeting.
Connie Conley
A. Request 4% decrease in Agency for Persons with Disabilities rates for period of 07/01/11 to 08/31/12.
Mrs. Conley requested Board approval of the Amendment to the Medicaid Waiver Services Agreement for Transportation Services with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities for the period of 07/01/11 to 08/31/12, in which there is a 4% provider rate decrease. Mrs. Conley stated they were aware of this change and had adjusted their budged accordingly.
Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Amendment as presented. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Superintendent
A. Town ofBronsonrequested the Road Department to repair/road paving for city streets.
Mr. Greenlee stated the Town ofBronsonhad requested the Road Department re-surfaceGarner Street. The estimated cost for the Road Department would be $18,138.18.
Comm. Stevens stated he would like for the Town ofBronsonto pay all costs, not just to share the cost of this project, as they had requested. Comm. Johnson agrees and states he is in favor of the Town ofBronsonfully reimbursing the Road Department.
Jimmy Dunsford spoke from the Town ofBronsonand stated they would like to use the Road Department as it would be the most cost effective choice.
Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Road Department resurfacingGarner Streetwith the Town ofBronsonreimbursing all costs associated with this project. Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.
Comm. Drew made a motion to hear a non-agenda item. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
Comm. Drew spoke of the Planning Commission position which was to expire in April, 2010. Comm. Drew stated she had recommended someone new for the position at that time, but the Board decided to re-appoint the same person instead. Referring to the June 21st 2011, meeting in which Comm. Bell recommended the person serving on the Planning Commission in his district to be removed and re-appointed someone new. Comm. Drew asked to be given the same consideration as Comm. Bell.
Comm. Drew made a motion to remove the person from her district serving on the Planning Commission, Thad Barber. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the votes were cast as follows:
Yes No
Comm. Bell Comm. Stevens
Comm. Drew Comm. Johnson
The Motion does not pass.
Barney Cannon spoke from the audience and stated a Commissioner should be able to appoint whoever they wish.
Teresa Watson from the office of State Representative Leonard Bembry stated Session will be starting early beginning January 10th until March 9th and the Levy County Legislative Delegation Hearing will be September 26th at 3:00 P.M.
The meeting recessed at 9:49 A.M.
The meeting reconvened at 6:30 P.M.
Comm. Stevens called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
A. Adopt the 2011-2012 AnnualEMSTax Assessment Rate Resolution 2011-35 for 2011-12 fiscal year.
Atty. Brown presented the 2011-2012 AnnualEMSTax Assessment Rate, Resolution 2011-35 for Board approval.
Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone to speak for or against.
Milton Fortner spoke against stating the fees were too high.
Comm. Drew made a motion to set the 2011-2012 AnnualEMSTax Assessment Rate at $76. The 2010-2011 Rate was $38 for residential and varying rates by square footage for commercial. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
B. Adopt the 2011-2012 Annual Rate Resolution for Fire Protection Services, Resolution 2011-32 for 2011-12 fiscal year.
Atty. Brown presented the 2011-12 Annual Rate Resolution for Fire Protection Services, Resolution 2011-32 for Board approval.
Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone to speak for or against. There was none.
Comm. Bell made a motion to set the 2011-12 Annual Rate, Resolution 2011-32, for Fire Protection Services at $40. The 2010-2011 Rate was $31. Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.
C. Adopt the Annual Rate Resolution 2011-33 for Solid Waste Assessment for 2011-12 fiscal year.
Atty. Brown presented Annual Rate Resolution 2011-33 for Solid Waste Assessment for the 2011-12 fiscal year.
Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone to speak for or against. There was none.
Comm. Bell made a motion to set the 2011-12 Annual Rate for Solid Waste Assessment, Resolution 2011-33 at the same rate as last year, $25. Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.
D. Adopt the Annual Rate Resolution for Roadway Maintenance
Atty. Brown presented the 2011-12 Annual Rate Resolution for Roadway Maintenance Services Assessments, Resolution 2011-34 for Board Approval.
Comm. Stevens asked if there was anyone to speak for or against. There was none.
Comm. Johnson made a motion to set the 2011-12 Annual Rate Resolution for Roadway Maintenance Services Assessments at the same rate as last year, Resolution 2011-34. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
Comm. Stevens announced the Public Hearing was now closed at 7:16 P.M.
B. Group Health Insurance. (continued from morning agenda)
Mrs. Martin provided information regarding whether or not the Board could seek a different Insurance Carrier for this upcoming fiscal year. She explained a letter of intent had to be provided to the current carrier by August 1st in order to withdraw any time within this next fiscal year, so the Board is committed to the PRM plans through September 30, 2012. The Commissioners agreed to seek bids for alternative Carriers for the following fiscal year.
Discussion of dependent coverage among the Commissioners followed regarding whether or not the Board would absorb the increase in premiums.
Comm. Drew made a motion to adopt the current insurance. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the MOTION CARRIES.
Comm. Bell made a motion to absorb insurance increase. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
Danny Shipp stated current millage is 7.4212. The rolled-back rate is 8.0614. Mr. Shipp reminded the Commissioners once the rate is set, it cannot be increased. It can only be decreased.
Comm. Bell made a motion to set the millage rate at 8.4212.
The motion dies for lack of a second.
Comm. Johnson made a motion to set the tentative millage at the rolled-back rate of 8.0614.
The motion dies for lack of a second.
Comm. Johnson made a motion to set the millage rate at 8.25. Second was made by Comm. Bell and the votes were cast as follows.
Yes No
Comm. Bell Comm. Johnson
Comm. Drew Comm. Stevens
Comm. Drew made a motion to set the tentative millage at the rolled-back rate of 8.0614. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
Comm. Bell made a motion to present a non-agenda item. Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES. Comm. Johnson votes No.
Comm. Bell stated he has a presentation from the Workforce Connection, which is an 11th Amendment restated about the configuration of numbers to get a quorum. This requires a Board vote.
Atty. Brown states this is the 11th restated Agreement of the Workforce Connection and will only change the number of members.
Comm. Bell made a motion to approve the Agreement as presented with the Chairman’s signature. Second was made by Comm. Drew and the MOTION CARRIES.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp Chairman, Danny Stevens