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BOCC Regular Meeting February 16, 2016



FEBRUARY 16, 2016



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on February 16, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman John Meeks

Comm. Rock Meeks

Comm. Danny Stevens

Comm. Lilly Rooks

Comm. Mike Joyner


Also present were:


County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown

County Coordinator – Fred Moody

Danny J. Shipp – Clerk of Court



Chairman John Meeks called the Meeting to order at 9:03 A.M.  Comm. Joyner gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


CHECK NUMBER 122595-122841
ROAD 61,537.79
PAL LIBRARY 2,862.12
EMS 38,960.32
FIRE 42,108.86
UTILITIES 1,591.38
DEBT SERVICE 48,623.75
LANDFILL 9,722.64
TOTAL   $    764,745.16





The minutes for the Regular Board meeting held on December 22, 2015 were presented for Board approval.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Board meeting held on December 22, 2015 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Mandy Offerly thanked the Board for making the meeting agenda available online.




Rob Davis, Project Manager

Approval of Notice of Award to Carter Excavating, Inc. for University Oaks Water System Improvements, Phase I.


Mr. Davis requested Board approval of the Notice of Award to Carter Excavating, Inc., the lowest qualified bid for the University Oaks Water System Improvements, Phase I funded by a SRWMD grant 100%.  The bids received are listed below:


Hartman Civil Construction               $193,632.00

Art Walker Construction                    $  56,556.00

GWP Construction                             $126,667.20

General Underground                         $166,464.48

Carter Excavating                               $112,674.00


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Notice of Award with the Chairman’s signature to Carter Excavating, Inc. as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Benny Jerrels, Director

Request to approve the purchase of Summit trailer for hauling garbage; Florida Sheriff’s Association of Counties Bid #15-13-0904.


Mr. Jerrels requested Board approval for the purchase of a Summit trailer for hauling garbage by utilizing the Florida Sheriff’s Association bid price.  This purchase will be reimbursed with the annual grant received from the State in the amount of $45,454 for the 2015-2016 Small County Consolidated Grant Agreement for State Assistance.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the purchase of the Summit trailer as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Follow up as requested by Chairman John Meeks.


Dr. Devaiah Pagidipati, M.D. introduced three (3) individuals who told of their experience of being advised to be transported to a hospital other than Regional General Hospital in Williston.  Those who spoke were:  Corina Edwards, Humani, Pharmacy Director at RGH and Linda Johnson.


Dr. “P” read into public record a letter from Lamar Stegall who stated the EMS staff denied his request to be transported to Regional General Hospital and a letter from the Good Samaritan Hospital in Williston.


Others who spoke on behalf of Regional General Hospital were:


Joseph Lander             Lisa Sampson              Andrew McCloud

Destiny Edwards        Linnette Nolte

Robert Mack               Latoya James


Comments from the audience were made by Nancy Winninger, Renate Cannon and Ron Grant.


Dr. “P” informed the Board the hospital may close in 60 days due to limited patients being transported to them and the large number of indigent patients they cannot turn away for treatment.


Dr. Jason Jones, Medical Director for Levy County spoke of the policy for patient rights which is in place for nearly all of Florida which states if a patient is awake, alert and has the capacity to make medical decisions for themselves, the patient gets to determine which hospital they want to be taken to.


After discussion, the Board agreed to investigate the allegations presented to them.



The meeting recessed at 10:25 A.M.

The meeting reconvened at 10:36 A.M.





Mayor Heath Davis

Request Road Department to remove fill around bridge area.


Mr. Davis requested the Board to direct the Road Department to remove sand and rock in an amount equivalent to the fill material utilized to repair the bridge and roadbed restoring the navigability of the channel.


Individuals from the audience who spoke regarding this item were Mike O’Dell and Carl Robinson, Charter Fishermen.

Renate Cannon also spoke stating Cedar Key receives CRA money and questioned why they would not make use of these funds.


Comm. Rooks recommended the City of Cedar Key contacting the Florida Department of Transportation for assistance.


After further discussion, Comm. Rooks made a motion to have Atty. Brown to DOT informing them of the concerns of the City of Cedar Key with regard to the sand and rock which has filled the channel beneath the Dock Street Bridge and requesting their assistance.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Toni Collins reminded everyone this Saturday is the Open House for the Cedar Key Light Station from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.





David Pieklik, Executive Director

  1. Regular activities report January/February 2016.


Mr. Pieklik gave a brief progress on activities and accomplishments to the Board for the Nature Coast Business Development Council for January and February, 2016.


  1. Request approval to appoint Jeff Edison, Assistant Superintendent of Schools to the Nature Coast Business Development Council. This appointment fulfills the Education seat.


Mr. Pieklik requested Board approval to appoint Jeff Edison, Assistant Superintendent of Schools to the Nature Coast Business Development Council to fill the Education seat.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to appoint Jeff Edison to the Nature Coast Business Development Council filling the Education seat as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.







An ordinance amending Chapter 47 of the Levy County Code of Ordinances pertaining to impact fees, amending sections 47-2, 47-3, 47-5, 47-46, 47-66, 47-68, 47-69, and 47-70 concerning impact fees sin general, Emergency Medical Systems impact fees, and Road impact fees specifically, including a new rate schedule for Road impact fees and definitions and legislative findings related thereto; providing for alternate Fire Protection impact fee calculations; providing for payment and use of Fire Protection impact fees; providing for individual calculations of Fire Protection impact fees; providing for codification; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.


Lynn Hoshihara spoke to the Board requesting approval and presented the proposed amendments to Chapter 47 of the Levy County Code of Ordinances as listed above.

Clancey Miller of Duncan and Associates also spoke.



Comments were made by Terry Witt and Renate Cannon.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve Ordinance 2016-01 adding the date of June 1st as the effective date in Article 19 B and changing the reference in the same section, Article 13 to Article 15.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.







Tisha Whitehurst

Request approval for the Amendment to the existing Tetra Tech Contract to be amended to meet the requirements for Department of Treasury to receive RESTORE Act Planning assistance grant funds.


Mrs. Whitehurst requested Board approval of the Amendment to the existing Tetra Tech Contract to meet the requirements for the Planning Assistance Application.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Amendment to Agreement as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

  1. Requesting the Board’s approval and the Chairman’s signature to send a notice to EMS Management & Consultants, Inc. to renew the Billing Services Agreement with them for a one-year term.


Chief Knowles requested Board approval and the Chairman’s signature to send a notice to EMS Management & Consultants, Inc. to renew the Billing Services Agreement with them for a one-year term.


Comm. Joyner mad a motion to approve with the Chairman’s signature the notice to EMS Management & Consultants, Inc. as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.

2. Presenting the FY 2014-2015 fourth quarter write-off’s to the Board for approval.


Chief Knowles presented and requested Board approval of the FY 2014-2015 fourth quarter write-off’s in the amount of $316,110.44.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the FY 2014-2015 fourth quarter write-off’s for the Department of Public Safety as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.  Comm. Rooks voted NO.


  1. Presenting our Fourth Quarter Report for FY 2015.


Chief Knowles presented the Fourth Quarter Report for FY 2015 to the Board stating operational and administrative accomplishments and changes the Department has undergone.





Alice LaLonde, Office Manager

  1. Request approval of CIGP application for CR 347 and Alice LaLonde having authorization to sign the application.


Mrs. LaLonde requested Board approval of the CIGP (County Incentive Grant Program) application for CR347 beginning at Alt. 27 and ending at US 19/98 for approximately 4.01 miles.  The Grant Project consists of widening and re-surfacing the roadway from the existing lane width of 20’ to 22’.

1. Request approval of CIGP application for CR 345 and Alice LaLonde having authorization to sign the application.


Mrs. LaLonde requested Board approval of the CIGP application for CR345 beginning at Alt. 27 and ending at SR129 for approximately 2.53 miles.  The Grant Project consists of widening and re-surfacing the roadway from the existing lane width of 20’ to 22’.

2. Request approval of SCRAP application for C32-B and Alice LaLonde having authorization to sign the application.


Mrs. LaLonde requested Board approval to submit the annual grant application for SCRAP (Small County Road Assistance Program) for C32-B beginning at SR24 and ending at C32 (NE 90th Ave.).  The road is approximately .61 miles long and the Grant Project consists of re-surfacing the roadway.

3. Request approval of SCOP application for C40W and Alice LaLonde having authorization to sign the application.


Mrs. LaLonde requested Board approval to submit the annual grant application for SCOP (Small County Outreach Program) for C40W beginning at US 19/98 and ending at Bird Creek Boat ramp (end of road).  The road is approximately 6.63 miles long and the Grant Project consists of widening and re-surfacing the roadway from the existing lane width of 20’ to 22’.


Comm. Rock Meeks made a motion to approve items A-D as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Dr. Jason Jones spoke in reference to the earlier comments made by Dr. “P” of Regional General Hospital in Williston disclosing the contents of packets which had been given to the Commissioners and himself.


Comments were made concerning the agenda item regarding Regional General Hospital.


Terry Witt asked for clarification as to what will be investigated by the Board concerning the allegations made by individuals earlier regarding transport to a hospital of their choice.


Chief Knowles answered a Quality Assurance Review will be done on the Patient Care Reports concerning the claims made by the individuals who spoke earlier.


Terry Witt also asked if the Board would be taking the “keys” to the hospital, should it close.


Comm. John Meeks stated Dr. “P” mentioned, but was not clear on several requests made to the Board earlier stating the County was in no position to take over a hospital financially.


Comments were also made by Toni Collins.


Renate Cannon questioned if the Certificate of Need was still alive.


Comm. John Meeks responded he had not been following this and had no answer at this time.


Ron Grant spoke regarding the Regional General Hospital issue.


Dana Sheffield announced there will be a Fly-In/Car Show/Community Expo at the Cross City Airport on April 23rd.  Admission is free and businesses are encouraged to set up displays.


Matt Brooks stated the Levy County School Foundation Gala coming up on the 20th and the Williston Church of God Cook-Off and Bow Shoot is this Saturday.













Comm. Joyner presented a letter from Ted Thrasher to Chairman John Meeks who then read into public record.  The letter commended the Levy County Firemen who responded to a fire incident which happened SuperBowl weekend on his property.





ATTEST:                                                                                     BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS



________________________________________                    ________________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                  Chairman, John Meeks