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BOCC Regular Meeting – February 19, 2013

FEBRUARY 19, 2013

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on February 19, 2013 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room, with the following Commissioners present:

Chairman Ryan Bell
Comm. Chad Johnson
Comm. John Meeks
Comm. Danny Stevens
Comm. Mike Joyner

Also present were:
County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown
County Coordinator – Fred Moody
Comm. Bell called the Meeting to order at 9:02 A.M. Mr. Greenlee gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

CHECK NUMBER 110672-110852
ROAD 535,513.61
SHIP 50,500.00
NSP 23,814.75
EMS 34,806.34
FIRE 33,191.67
CDBG 17,216.00
DEBT SERVICE 41,949.17
LANDFILL 12,440.05
TOTAL $ 1,093,496.38

The Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on February 5, 2013 were presented for Board approval.

Comm. Meeks made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on February 5, 2013 as presented. Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


Rob Corbitt, Director
Consider approval of Hardship Variance No. 1-13; Cynthia Alford.

Atty. Brown asked if the Commissioners had any ex-parte communication with the petitioner.

Comm. Meeks and Comm. Bell stated they had ex-parte communication either by mail correspondence or by speaking with the petitioner.

Atty. Brown administered swearing-in of anyone wishing to speak regarding Hardship Variance No. 1-13.

Mr. Corbitt presented and requested Board approval of Hardship Variance No. 1-13; Cynthia Alford.

Comm. Bell asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the Hardship Variance as presented. There was none.

Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve Hardship Variance No. 1-13; Cynthia Alford as presented. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

Tammy Jones
Request approval of matching funds for the Federal Election Activities Grant.

Mrs. Jones requested Board approval of matching funds for the Federal Election Activities Grant. The match amount is 15% of $6,542 which would be $981.42. Mrs. Jones explained the funds are to be used for voter education and sample ballots.

Comm. Meeks made a motion to approve matching funds in the amount of $981.42 for the Federal Election Activities Grant as requested. Second was made by Comm. Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.

Donna L. Fagan, Executive Director
Present to the Board two grants Another Way has applied for and obtain signatures required by the grantor which will provide certification of local government approval.

Ms. Fagan presented two grants Another Way has applied for and requested signatures required by the grantor which will provide certification of local government approval. Ms. Fagan stated Another Way will receive $104,000 for each facility where they are located, which includes Levy County.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve signatures as requested of local government approval as requested. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.

Mike West, 911 Coordinator, Levy County Sheriff’s Office
Request Chair’s signature on the Intrado, Inc. software license agreement.

Mr. West requested Board approval for the Chairman to sign the Intrado, Inc. software license agreement.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Chair’s signature on the Intrado, Inc. software license agreement as requested. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

Jeffrey Winter, Project Manager
Request approval of Modification Number Two to the CDBG Grant Agreement.

Mr. Winter requested Board approval of Modification Number Two to the CDBG Grant Agreement. Mr. Winter explained the request for the Modification is to ensure adequate time to complete additional homes.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve Modification Number Two to the CDBG Grant Agreement as requested. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.

David Pieklik, Executive Director
Request three appointments to the Enterprise Zone Development Agency.
1. Karen Smith; Realtor, Bronson Chamber of Commerce.
2. Jack Schofield; Realtor, Inglis-Withlacoochee Area Chamber of Commerce.
3. Bill Hammond; City of Chiefland Building and Zoning Director.

Mr. Pieklik requested Board approval of three appointments to the Enterprise Zone Development Agency as listed above.

Comm. Meeks made a motion to approve the appointments as listed above to the EZDA. Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.

Terry Hansen, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Presentation: Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) for the Suwannee River Basin and Rainbow Springs.

Mr. Hansen provided packets of information to the Board regarding Basin Management Action Plans for the Suwannee River Basin and Rainbow Springs. He then spoke to the Board explaining how Levy County is in a unique position of having the Suwannee River Basin Management Action Plan and the soon upcoming Rainbow River Basin Management Action Plan. Mr. Hansen stated the Suwannee River is impaired for nutrients as well as Rainbow Springs, which means repeated sampling has shown the water body is not meeting the water quality standards for its intended use. The result of this are the algal masses which can be seen at Fanning Springs, Manatee Springs and other areas along the Suwannee River and other rivers in the State. He stated the quality of the water in the rivers can be improved through working with the BMAP’s as described in his presentation.

Carol McQueen, Director
Jack Wert, Executive Director for Naples, Marco Island Everglades Convention and Visitors Bureau
Presentation: Levy County Tourism and its economic benefit.

Mrs. McQueen introduced Mr. Wert who spoke to the Board about attracting tourism to Levy County.

Sheriff McCallum spoke to the Board regarding the implementation of the inmate work release program by the Jail.

Dorlinda Gilliam spoke to the Board requesting assistance with reducing a Judgement against her homestead as a result of a criminal charge.

Comm. Stevens advised Ms. Gilliam to speak with Mr. Moody in the Board office as this was not an issue the Board could make a decision on without additional information.


Anne Bast Brown
Conduct workshop to discuss and provide direction on ordinance amending hours of sale, consumption and service of alcoholic beverages.

Atty. Brown presented to the Board a draft Ordinance regarding extending the hours of sale, consumption and service of alcoholic beverages in the county from midnight to 2:00 A.M. as well as a listing of the current provisions from the Florida Statutes and local government entities within and around Levy County regulating hours for alcohol sales, consumption and service. Atty. Brown requested the Board discuss the information provided to them and provide direction on whether to pursue changes to the current County ordinance and, if so, to set a public hearing to consider such changes.

After discussion, Comm. Johnson made a motion to set a date for a Workshop to discuss this item further. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES. Comm. Stevens votes NO.

The Workshop date was set for March 5th at 1:00 P.M.

Fred Moody
Discussion and direction on appointments to the local RESTORE Act Advisory Committee.

Mr. Moody requested direction regarding the appointments to the local RESTORE Act Advisory Committee. As required by Resolution 2013-08, the requirements for committee members are as follows:

Levy County School Board member, or its administration, to be recommended by the School Board
Higher Education Institution (college or university)
Aquaculture Industry
Workforce Development/job creation industry
Experience in Economic Development efforts
Tourism industry
At-large citizen member (must possess an interest in one of the areas of allowed uses for RESTORE Act funds.

Each member of the Committee shall be allowed to appoint an alternate designee in the event the member must be absent from any meeting. Designees are subject to the same membership criteria as the appointing member.

The commissioners agreed to require any wishing to be considered for appointment to this committee submit their names to the Board office by Tuesday, February 26th. The committee members will be chosen at the March 5th meeting.

David Knowles, Director
A. Request approval to advertise a “Request for Proposal” for a Medical Director to serve Levy County.

Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to advertise a “Request for Proposal” for a Medical Director to serve Levy County.

Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve advertising for a “Request for Proposal” for a Medical Director as requested. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

B. Request approval to advertise a “Request for Proposals” for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) billing and collections services.

Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to advertise for “Request for Proposals” for Emergency Medical Services billing and collection services.

Comm. Meeks made a motion to approve advertising for “Request for Proposals” for Emergency Medical Services billing and collection services as requested.

C. Request approval to purchase two (2) stair-chairs.

Mr. Knowles requested Board approval to purchase two (2) stair-chairs to replace two in use which are outdated and need to be replaced to prevent injury. Mr. Knowles explained Stryker is the sole provider of this model of standardized equipment currently used by the department. The price for the two chairs is $5,212.80.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the purchase of two (2) stair-chairs from Stryker as requested. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.

Mr. Knowles had three items of information to report to the Board. They are listed below:

The Town of Yankeetown had a meeting last night for the final adoption reading regarding the Fire Assessment within the Town.
The Department of Public has recently received their re-chassied/re-furbished ambulance which was on display at a trade show. It is on display in the parking lot for anyone who would like to see it.
The College of Central Florida met with them last Thursday at the new Public Safety Facility and expressed an interest in utilizing the facility for a paramedic training program.

Karen Blackburn
Presenting a request from North Florida Economic Development Partnership, requesting Chair’s signature on two letters; re-designation of Levy County as a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern and a letter of support for the North Florida Economic Development Partnership’s Rural Development Grant.

Mrs. Blackburn presented a request from Jeff Hendry and the North Florida Economic Development Partnership for the Chair’s signature on two letters; re-designation of Levy County as a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern and a letter of support for the North Florida Economic Development Partnership’s Rural Development Grant.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to authorize Chairman Bell to sign the two letters as requested. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.

Bruce Greenlee, Administrative Road Superintendent
Presenting a request from homeowner to pave NE 132 Terrace, NE 95 Street and NE 137 Court a/k/a LCR 1052.

Mr. Greenlee presented a request for Board approval to pave NE 132 Terrace, NE 95 Street and NE 137 Court a/k/a LCR 1052. Mr. Greenlee recommended denial of this request as it does not meet requirements to be placed on the paving list.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to deny the request to pave NE 132 Terrace, NE 95 Street and NE 137 Court a/k/a LCR 1052 as presented. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

Mr. Greenlee stated the following Road Department employees deserved recognition for their recent work on the Watson Bridge going to the county’s rock mine: James Horne, Randy Smith, Charlie Townsend, Alan Cannon, David Fisher and Harry Couey.

Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval to present a non-agenda item.

Comm. Stevens made a motion to hear a non-agenda item. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES. Comm. Johnson votes NO.
Mr. Greenlee requested Board approval to move the paving equipment from the current paving project in Ocala Highlands West upon completion to LCR 369 located on the county line near Romeo which is further down on the paving list before moving to the next road in line on the paving list located at the north side of the county.

Comm. Joyner made a motion to move the paving equipment from the current project in Ocala Highlands West upon completion to LCR 369 near Romeo before moving to the next road on the paving list. Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES. The votes were cast as follows:

Yes No
Comm. Joyner Comm. Bell
Comm. Stevens Comm. Johnson
Comm. Meeks

Connie Conley, Director

Mrs. Conley presented two 2013 Certifications and Assurances for signatures. A Resolution has been previously approved for this item and a vote is not necessary.

Comm. Joyner reported the benefit Fish Fry for the Alford Family held at Robinson’s Seafood in Rosewood was a success.

Comm. Meeks announced the Bronson FFA Alumni will be hosting the Annual Food Fest and cake auction this Friday beginning at 5:30 P.M. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the gate.

Comm. Meeks reported he had attended the North Florida Broadband meeting and it was very informative. The next meeting is tentatively set for March 13th in Cedar Key.

Comm. Bell informed the Department heads there is an upcoming training class which has been scheduled by Mark Johnson at Emergency Management with the State. The training class is curriculum is based on new procedures and protocol and is scheduled for March 13th, 14th and 15th. It is important to contact Mark regarding registering as this will give you a State Certification.

Comm. Bell gave an update of the Gulf Coast Consortium. They voted to base the fee to sit at the table on what the return could be for each county. Levy County’s amount will be $683.

Comm. Bell requested input from the other Commissioners regarding a Building Official job description and salary range.

After discussion Comm. Meeks made a motion to advertise for the position of Building Official with the salary range of $45,000-$75,000. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES. Comm. Stevens votes NO.

Mr. Moody reminded the Commissioners of the Executive Session to be held in the conference room at Atty. Brown’s office at 1:00 P.M.

Dana Sheffield commented to the Board on the extension requested to allow time to use the additional CDBG funds.

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                               Chairman, Ryan Bell