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BOCC Regular Meeting March 8, 2016



MARCH 8, 2016



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on March 8, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room with the following Commissioners present:


Chairman John Meeks

Comm. Rock Meeks

Comm. Danny Stevens

Comm. Lilly Rooks

Comm. Mike Joyner


Also present were:

County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown

County Coordinator – Fred Moody

Danny J. Shipp – Clerk of Court



Chairman John Meeks called the Meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.  Comm. Joyner gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.





Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


CHECK NUMBER 122842-123032
GENERAL REVENUE 1,459,669.76
ROAD 53,600.46
SHIP 44,100.00
PAL LIBRARY 12,572.29
911 12,560.17
EMS 38,306.66
FIRE 67,884.63
UTILITIES 1,073.86
LANDFILL 63,116.50
TOTAL  $  1,782,251.32
EFT PAYMENT  $       33,975.19





The minutes from the regular Board Meetings listed below were presented for Board approval:


December 22, 2016 (Amended)                     January 5, 2016

January 19, 2016                                             February 2, 2016


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the “Amended” Minutes for the December 22, 2016 Regular Board Meeting as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on January 5, 2016 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Rock Meeks made a motion to approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on January 19, 2016 as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on February 2, 2016 with changes as stated.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Comm. John Meeks announced the passing of Dogan Cobb, a long-time resident of Bronson and WWII Veteran.

Wilbur Dean stated the viewing is today at the Bronson First Baptist Church from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. and the funeral services will be tomorrow, March 9th at 2:00 P.M. also at the Bronson First Baptist Church.

Toni Collins added, while Mr. Cobb was away serving in WWII, his wife served in his place continuing his job duties until he returned.


Joseph Lander spoke to the Board requesting the status of the quality assurance report from the Department of Public Safety as spoken of at a previous meeting.


Comm. John Meeks stated the report is on the agenda and will be given today.





David Pieklik

Presentation of quotes to purchase display stands for business resources, including incentives and how-to guides.


Mr. Pieklik presented quotes to the Board and requested Board approval to purchase eight (8) display stands for business resources, including incentives and how-to guides.  The quotes are listed below:


Allen Display                                      $3,458.21

National Business Furniture               $1,464.53

Apex                                                   $   329.99


Mr. Pieklik requested the Board approve the purchase from Allen Display as the quality of this product meets the needs of the Nature Coast Business Development Council.  The other vendors did not have countertop models which are necessary for several locations.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the purchase of eight (8) display stands from Allen Display as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





Ann Morin

Inform Commissioners on the Safe Route to School Program Grant (SRSP) also request a letter of support.


Ms. Morin requested a Letter of Support from the Board for the Safe Routes to School Program for Inglis and Yankeetown.  This project will give the Towns the opportunity to provide lighted walkways to the towns school and the library for the areas children.


Comm. Rooks made a motion to approve the request for a Letter of Support as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. Joyner asked Mrs. Whitehurst if this same program could help the school in Raleigh.


Tisha Whitehurst answered she had given the Safe Routes to School Grant program paperwork to the administration at the school in Raleigh and has spoken to officials at Whitehurst Construction who have indicated they are in support of this project.  This application process is in the very beginning stages.






Requesting to have remaining SHIP loan balance either forgiven or reduced.


Darlene Barnhill, mother of Shaunna Lamb spoke to the Board explaining her daughter’s situation and requested the Board consider reducing some or all of her SHIP loan.


After discussion, Comm. Joyner made the suggestion of the Board looking into the possibility of assisting Mrs. Lamb at the next regular Board meeting.


The Board agreed to have Mrs. Barnhill come back at the next Regular Board Meeting on March 22nd.






Requesting approval and signature of the Withlacoochee River Basin Economic Development Compact.


Mayor Merritt spoke to the Board requesting approval with the Chairman’s signature of the Withlacoochee River Basin Economic Development Compact.  Mayor Merritt explained this is a multi-jurisdictional cooperation for economic development and recreational development and the county has no financial obligation.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve with the Chairman’s signature the Withlacoochee River Basin Economic Development Compact as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.







Fred Moody

Request approval of the Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson scope of services for our annual assessment programs for fiscal year 2016-17 for EMS, Fire Protection, Road Maintenance, and Solid Waste.


Mr. Moody requested Board approval of the Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson scope of services for the EMS, Fire Protection, Road Maintenance and Solid Waste Assessment Programs for fiscal year 2016-2017.  Mr. Moody explained the rates are the same as they were for 2015-2016 and are listed below:


Fire Protection                        $10,000

Road Maintenance                  $  8,000

Solid Waste                             $  7,500

EMS                                        $10,000

Total                                        $35,500


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Annual Assessment Programs as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


Renate Cannon spoke regarding this item and Mr. Moody addressed her concerns.





Connie Conley, General Manager

A. Request Board approval for Notice of Grant Award for Section 5339 and approval to purchase bus in the amount of $85,000.00.


Mr. Moody requested on behalf of Mrs. Conley Board approval for the Notice of Grant award for Section 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities Program including approval to purchase a bus with these funds in the amount of $85,000.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Notice of Grant Award for Section 5339 and approval to purchase a bus as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.

B. Request Board direction for approval process on all future Notice of Grant Awards (NOGA) from FDOT transportation grants, specifically whether NOCA’s must come to the full Board for approval or may be approved by the Chair pursuant to the authorizing Resolution for the applicable grant.


Mr. Moody requested Board direction concerning the approval process on all future Notice of Grant Awards NOGA) from FDOT transportation grants.  He explained in the past NOGA’s were signed by the Chairperson without being brought before the Board for approval as the authorizing resolution for the applicable grant gives the Chairperson the authority.  The standard form of the NOGA’s have been changed by FDOT now including audit requirements and commitments not in prior NOGA forms.  The new forms have a date at the top and the County will have 60 days to approve and return to FDOT to be dated.  Once the signed NOGA is received back from FDOT, the approved items can be ordered.  In the event this process does not take place within the 60 days allowed by FDOT, the funding will be taken from the County.


Comm. Rooks made a motion to approve the approval process for all future Notice of Grant Awards from FDOT Transportation Grants requiring they come to the Board for full approval.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.




Matt Weldon, Director

Request Board approval to award Bid Project for Geophysical Services at the two (2) Blue Springs areas.


Mr. Moody requested on behalf of Matt Weldon Board approval to award Bid Project to Geophysical Services at the two (2) Blue Springs areas.  The investigation is to map the top of sediments & top of rock within the spring areas and to locate possible non-functioning spring vents for future dredging.  The bids received are as follows:


R.M. Baker, LLC                                $17,000

GeoView, Inc.                                     $  4,000

SpotLight Geo Services, LLC            $  8,500


Atty. Brown requested the motion include authorization for the Chairman to sign the Contract.


Comm. Rock Meeks made a motion to approve the Bid Project to GeoView, Inc. and to authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mr. Moody added the next union negotiation meeting will be on Thursday, March 17, at 11:00 A.M. at the Department of Public Safety complex.





David Weatherford, Director

A. Present a Quarterly Report on Shelter Statistics.


Mr. Weatherford presented to the Board the quarterly statistics of intakes, adoptions, rescues, and euthanasia of animals at the shelter.


Mr. Weatherford reported to the Board funding had been received for the construction of a cat room and construction has begun.  This will be a 16’ x 24’ room located in a warehouse separate from the dogs.  There will be a cage area, a visiting area and a small isolation unit.  The room will be used to house adoptable cats and kittens and can be used to house citizens’ cats in case of a hurricane.

B. Inform the Public of the next Adoption Event to be held tentatively on May 7, 2016 from 9 A.M. – 1 P.M.


Mr. Weatherford announced the next adoption event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 7th from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at Tractor Supply in Chiefland.  Adoptions include a rabies shot and micro-chip for the animal.











Shenley Neely, Planning Director

  1. Motion to approve Deferred Payment Loan Agreement, Mandy Cribbs-PA #533.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval of a Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Mandy Cribbs – PA #533 in the amount of $14,450.00.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Deferred Payment Loan Agreement for Mandy Cribbs – PA #533 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

A. Staff respectfully request the Levy County Board of County Commissioners approval a motion to accept the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee’s (AHAC) recommendation of “no changes” to Levy County’s Current Affordable Housing Incentive Strategies, as contained within the County’s current Local Housing Assistance.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee’s (AHAC) recommendation of “no changes” to Levy County’s Current Affordable Housing Incentive Strategies, as contained within the County’s current Local Housing Assistance.  Approval of the AHAC recommendations will ensure the County’s LHAP will be maintained in compliance with all state and federal requirements.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee’s recommendation of “no changes” to Levy County’s Current Affordable Housing Incentive Strategies as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.

B. Request Board approval and Chair’s signature on attached Documents required by Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to close-out the County’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) Grant 12D-Q5-05-48-01-F05.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval and signature of the Chairman on the attached Documents required by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to close-out the County’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) Grant 12D-Q5-05-48-01-F05.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve with the Chairman’s signature the County’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program Grant as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.


  1. Request approval of corrections providing technical clarification to County’s Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) Fiscal year 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, with corrections retroactive to FY 2013/2014. Staff respectfully requests the Board’s approval of Resolution 2016-10.


Ms. Neely requested Board approval of Resolution 2016-10 approving corrections providing technical clarification to the County’s Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) for fiscal year 2013/2014, 2014/2015, and 2015/2016 with corrections to Exhibit C: Housing Delivery Goals Chart #2002 due to a scriveners error.  The recommendation for the clarifying revision comes as a result of a review of the LHAP in accordance with the SHIP Program.  The changes to the chart will bring them into compliance/conformity with the existing LHAP.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-10 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.





David Knowles, Director

A. Request the Board to ratify submission of four (4) applications for the 2016 Department of Health (DOH) EMS Matching Grant.


Chief Knowles requested Board approval to ratify submission of four (4) applications for the 2016 Department of Health (EMS) Matching Grant which are 90/10 grants.  The items on the applications are listed below:






  • 12 Stretcher Auto Load Systems $301,168.56

Maximum County Share: $75,292.14 if all 12 are awarded.


  • 6 Vents $  44,284.80

Maximum County Share: $11,071.20 if all 6 are awarded.


  • 4 LUCAS CPR Devices $  98,128.00

Maximum County Share: $24,532.00 if all 4 are awarded.


  • 2 High Fidelity Simulation Manikins $171,168.69

Maximum County Share: $42,792.17 if both are awarded.


Chief Knowles stated the funds would not be expended until fiscal year 2016/2017.


Audience members who spoke regarding these applications were Dana Sheffield, Scott Lipman and Terry Witt.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve ratification of submission of four (4) applications for the 2016 Department of Health (EMS) Matching Grant as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


B. Requesting Board approval to disassemble and remove the Henry Beck and Spillway radio towers.


Chief Knowles requested Board approval to disassemble and remove the Henry Beck and Spillway radio towers.  Chief Knowles explained the towers are not operational and repairs would be cost prohibitive.  Chief Knowles stated one bid had been received and two more are coming.  The cost is expected to be less than $2,500 for each tower.


Comm. Rooks made a motion to table the item until all bids have been received.  The motion dies for lack of second.


Questions were asked by Terry Witt and answered by Chief Knowles.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve disassembly and removal of the Henry Beck and Spillway radio towers as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


The meeting recessed at 10:47 A.M.

The meeting reconvened at 11:00 A.M.

C. Providing the Board with the results of the equality assurance (QA) from Regional General Hospital of Williston (RGHW) concerns.


Chief Knowles provided to the Board results of the equality assurance (QA) from Regional General Hospital of Williston (RGHW) concerns discussed at the February 16th Board meeting.  Chief Knowles stated no discrepancies were found in how the employees handled each situation which was reviewed.


Joseph Lander, an employee of Dr. Pagidipati over Marketing and Compliance at Regional General Hospital in Williston spoke to the Board stating it is the belief of those at Regional General Hospital, based on memos they have looked at, employees of the Levy County Department of Public Safety are being told by their administrators not to take people to Regional General Hospital either directly or through a series of carving them out of the transport protocol.


Comm. John Meeks stated the Board was satisfied with the investigation which was conducted and suggested Regional General Hospital have an independent investigation done if they wish to extend the investigation further.


Comments were made by Terry Witt, Renate Cannon and Ron Grant from the audience.





Alice LaLonde, Office Manager/Casey Duquette

A. Request adoption of Resolution 2016-05 approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close portions of SW 123rd Avenue a/k/a Palm Avenue, and SW 122nd Terrace, a/k/a Walnut Avenue, located in Cedar Key Heights Section B Subdivision, as requested by petitioners, James G. Mason II, Nancy K. Mason, Robert E. Palmer and Jamie Palmer.


Mrs. LaLonde requested Board approval of Resolution 2016-05 approving the petition to vacate, abandon and close portions of SW 123rd Avenue a/k/a Palm Avenue, and SW 122nd Terrace, a/k/a Walnut Avenue, located in Cedar Key Heights Section B Subdivision, as requested by petitioners, James G. Mason II, Nancy K. Mason, Robert E. Palmer and Jamie Palmer.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-05 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.


B. Request approval of Resolution Number 2016-007 granting temporary easement to FDOT for Bridge #340010 on CR 456 at Daughtry Bayou in Levy County, FL.


Mr. Duquette requested Board approval of Resolution 2016-07 granting temporary easement to FDOT for Bridge #340010 on CR 456 at Daughtry Bayou in Levy County, FL.


Comm. Rooks made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-07 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.

C. Request approval of Resolution Number 2016-006 granting temporary easement to FDOT for Bridge #340011 on CR 456 at Lewis Pass in Levy County, FL.


Mr. Duquette requested Board approval of Resolution 2016-006 granting temporary easement to FDOT for Bridge #340011 on CR 456 at Lewis Pass in Levy County, FL.


Comm. Rock Meeks made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-006 as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Rooks and the MOTION CARRIES.






Comm. Stevens made a motion to hear a non-agenda item concerning the Road Department.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Mrs. LaLonde presented an estimate from Beard Equipment in the amount of $6,129.91 for repairs to the transmission on a grader.


After discussion, Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the repair to be done by Beard Equipment for an amount not to exceed $10,000.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.





Anne Bast Brown

Requesting approval of Levy County Public Utility Crossing and Right-of-Way Use Agreement (“Agreement”) with Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC (“Sabal Trail”), and authorize acceptance of permit fee when paid by Sabal Trail.


Atty. Brown requested Board approval of the Levy County Public Utility Crossing and Right-of-Way Use Agreement with Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC, and authorize acceptance of permit fee when paid by Sabal Trail.  Sabal Trail will work with the County Road Department to obtain permits for each of the right-of-way crossings required.  The total fee for the permit review and for the rights for of the County rights-of-way will be $130,000.  Attorney fees of $25,000 for outside counsel related to extensive negotiations for the Agreement will also be paid by Sabal Trail.


Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the Levy County Public Utility Crossing and Right-of-Way Use Agreement and acceptance of permit fees as presented.  Second was made by Comm. Rock Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.










Toni Collins, Renate Cannon, Ron Grant and Scott Lipman spoke regarding Sabal Trail.


Terry Witt asked if an issue had been resolved regarding the Courthouse hours for business.

Mr. Moody stated the Board office is open at 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.  All other constitutional officers open their offices at 8:30 A.M. and close at 4:40 P.M.





Comm. John Meeks announced the passing of Dogan Cobb, a long-time resident of Bronson.

Wilbur Dean stated the viewing is today at the Bronson First Baptist Church from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. and the funeral services will be tomorrow, March 9th at 2:00 P.M. also at the Bronson First Baptist Church.


Comm. Joyner announced the 39th Annual Wild Hog Canoe/Kayak Race is coming up on Saturday, April 23rd.  This is a fundraiser each year to benefit the LARC.  Comm. Joyner stated the Ride-to-Provide is coming up later and he will bring back more information as the date approaches.


Comm. Rooks announced several events coming up:  On Saturday, March 12th from 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. the Levy County Historical Society is presenting author, Patrick Smith, Jr. at the Cedar Key RV Resort.  There will also be other authors present.

On May 7th, there will be an animal adoption event at the Chiefland Tractor Supply.


Comm. Rock Meeks announced the Suwannee River Fair begins this weekend ending with the sale on March 23rd and the CAAA Baseball Bash is this Saturday at Strickland Park in Chiefland.


Comm. John Meeks

Appoint David Shewey to District One on the Board of Adjustments.


Comm. Stevens made a motion to appoint David Shewey to District One on the Board of Adjustments as requested.  Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.


Comm. John Meeks spoke of the Bronson SCOP Grant and stated having Mrs. Whitehurst, Grants Coordinator work with them would help the Town of Bronson and allow Mrs. Whitehurst the opportunity to go through the process.  The Town of Bronson will submit a letter requesting Mrs. Whitehurst’s assistance.


Comm. John Meeks gave Legislative updates.


Comm. John Meeks announced the Civil War Re-enactment at Kirby Farms in Williston will be taking place.  The Chiefland Farmer’s Market will be at the Train Depot on March 12th and 26th.  On March 19th, there will be a Spring Into Spring event at Manatee Springs State Park in Chiefland which will take place from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  The South Levy Marketplace will be taking place in Inglis on March 26th from 9:00 A.M.to 1:00 P.M.  March 31st – April 3rd will be the dates for the Levy County Fair in Williston at the Horseman’s Park.  The Chiefland FFA Alumni will have a rodeo March 18th and 19th.





ATTEST:                                                                                     BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS



________________________________________                    ________________________________________

Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp                                                  Chairman, John Meeks