Matt Brooks, Clerk & Comptroller 355 South Court Street
Bronson, FL 32621
Phone: 352-486-5266 Ext. 1222
Fax: 352-486-5166
Deanna Dobbins, Chief Deputy Clerk 355 South Court Street
Bronson, FL 32621
Phone: 352-486-5266 Ext. 1255
Fax: 352-486-5166
Diana Sanchez, Finance Officer 355 South Court Street
Bronson, FL 32621
Phone: 352-486-5266 Ext. 1268
Fax: 352-486-5166
Faith Southard, Admin Svc Supervisor 355 South Court Street
Bronson, FL 32621
Phone: 352-486-5266 Ext. 1223
Fax: 352-486-5166
Denise Fowler, Court Svc Supervisor 355 South Court Street
Bronson, FL 32621
Phone: 352-486-5266 Ext. 1240
Fax: 352-486-5166
Juvenile Division
Delinquency and Dependency Juvenile Court Records include the following cases applicable to a child under the age of 18.
Dependency “All matters relating to juveniles who have been abandoned, abused, or neglected.””
Delinquency Matters relating to juveniles who have committed a violation under Florida Law.
JUVENILE RECORDS ARE CONFIDENTIAL Florida Statute 39.0132 in regards to the confidentiality of Dependency records.
Florida Statute 985.04 in regards to the confidentiality of Delinquency records.
The following Florida Statues govern Juvenile Proceedings
Florida Statute 39. Proceedings Relating to Children. (Dependency)
Florida Statute 985. Delinquency, Interstate Compact on Juveniles. (Both Dependency and Delinquency)
The Juvenile Department maintains the official records pertaining to all juvenile court pleadings and petitions in accordance with statutory requirements. Great consideration is given to the confidential nature of these records.
The Juvenile Department works closely with Children and Family Services, the Judiciary, State Attorneys, Public Defender, Department of Juvenile Justice, State Dependency Legal Service, Protective Investigators, Court Appointed Attorneys, Office of Regional Council, School Board, law enforcement and other agencies in carrying out its mission.
The Juvenile Department maintains all of the required court records. No information can be given out over the telephone. You must appear in person with proper identification to receive information. The following people are authorized to receive information concerning a case.
(Parent of child: as long as parental rights are still intact, and the child is still less than 18 years of age.)
Child. Attorney for parent and/or child: But only after a Notice of Appearance is filed with the Clerk. Law enforcement officer: only as to the offenses they are charged/arrested on, and only as to cases that they are a participant in. Counselor with Department of Juvenile Justice or Children and Family Services, and only as to cases that they are a participant in.
State Attorney.
Public Defender.
Juvenile Probation Officer.
Guardian or legal custodian of child.
Guardian Ad Litem.
Private attorney
Office of Regional Council
Juvenile Detention Facility
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.