NOVEMBER 19, 2013
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Levy County Commissioners was held on November 19, 2013 at 9:00 AM in the Levy County Board of County Commissioners meeting room, with the following Commissioners present:
Chairman Ryan Bell
Comm. John Meeks
Comm. Mike Joyner
Comm. Danny Stevens
Comm. Chad Johnson
Also present were:
County Attorney – Anne Bast Brown
County Coordinator – Fred Moody
Comm. Bell called the Meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Comm. Joyner gave the invocation, followed by Comm. Meeks who led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the following expenditures presented for payment. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
$ 413,050.29 |
Comm. Bell requested the Board hear a non-agenda item from Carol McQueen concerning the Tourist Development Department.
Comm. Meeks made a motion to hear a non-agenda item from Mrs. McQueen. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES. Comm. Johnson voted NO.
Mrs. McQueen stated there is a position available on the Tourist Development Council due to the resignation of City Councilman Jack Screws. The City of Williston has passed a Resolution appointing Councilman Cal Byrd to the Tourist Development Council to replace Mr. Screws. Mrs. McQueen requested the Board approve the appointment of Mr. Byrd to the Tourist Development Council.
Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve the appointment of Cal Byrd to the Tourist Development Council as requested. Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.
Jason Smith, Director
Presentation to Levy County Veterans Service Department for being selected the Small County Veteran Service Office for the year in the State of Florida.
Mr. Smith presented an award to the Levy County Veterans Service Department for being selected as the Small County Veteran Service Office for the year in the State of Florida.
Jordan Green, P.E.
Tentative Five Year Work Program Presentation and announce the Department’s Work Program Open House at the District Office in Lake City on Thursday, December 5, 2013 from 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Greg Evans, District 2 Secretary for the Florida Department of Transportation spoke to the Board before Mr. Green and explained the area of District 2, which Levy County is a part of.
Jordan Green spoke to the Board explaining the tentative work program. Mr. Green announced on Thursday, December 5th from 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. in Lake City at the District Office there will be a Workshop and Open House to discuss some of the projects in more detail. Mr. Green then presented the 5-year Transportation Plan to the Board for Levy County.
Sally Douglass, Trustee
Request signatures on Owners and Managers form for the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve’s application to be on the Designated Florida Paddling Trail.
Ms. Douglass spoke to the Board requesting signatures on the Owners form and Managers form for the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve’s application to be on the Designated Florida Paddling Trail.
Comm. Joyner made a motion to make approve signatures on the Owners form and Managers form as requested. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.
Vondla Sullivan, Volunteer Coordinator
Request the approval of Proclamation 2013-54 recognizing the month of November, 2013 as “National Hospice/Palliative Care Month.”
Ms. Sullivan requested Board approval of Proclamation 2013-54 recognizing the month of November, 2013 as “National Hospice/Palliative Care Month.”
Comm. Johnson made a motion to approve Proclamation 2013-54 as requested. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.
Barbara Palmer, Director
Presentation regarding Agency for Persons with Disabilities services and to inquire about a county wide health fair.
Ms. Palmer made a presentation to the Board regarding the Agency for Persons with Disabilities and requested assistance in transporting people in Levy County with disabilities.
The Board agreed by consensus to assist with specific requests once they are brought to the Board. Comm. Bell stated they would be willing to provide support or assistance once they have received direction as to what their role would be.
Satori Days
- On behalf of Mrs. Marian Palma Cardona of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network-Central Florida Affiliate, request approval to adopt Proclamation 2013-55 recognizing the month of November, 2013 as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.”
Ms. Days requested on behalf of Mrs. Marian Palma Cardona of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network-Central Florida Affiliate, Board approval to adopt Proclamation 2013-55 recognizing the month of November, 2013 as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.”
Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve Proclamation 2013-55 as requested. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.
- Request approval of re-appointments and appointments for the Board of Adjustments for Districts 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Ms. Days requested Board approval of re-appointments and appointments for the Board of Adjustments for the districts as listed below:
District 2 – Eugene Carter
District 3 – Andrew Carswell
District 4 – Linda J. Cramer
District 5 – Brad Etheridge
Comm. Meeks made a motion to re-appoint the above listed Board of Adjustments members. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.
- Request approval of re-appointments for the Construction Industry Licensing Board for districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Ms. Days requested Board approval of re-appointments for the Construction Industry Licensing Board for the districts as listed below:
District 1 – Paula Kennedy
District 2 – Jerry Orenchack
District 3 – Richard Hawthorne
District 4 – Billy Hinote
District 5 – Jared Inman
Comm. Joyner made a motion to approve re-appointments for the above listed Construction Industry Licensing Board.
Connie Conley, General Manager
Requesting Board approval to keep the Standard Lobbying Certification form on file at FDOT when funding in excess of $100,000 is received.
Ms. Conley requested Board approval to keep the Standard Lobbying Certification form on file at FDOT when funding in excess of $100,000 is received.
Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve keeping the Standard Lobbying Certification form on file at FDOT as requested. Second was made by Comm. Meeks and the MOTION CARRIES.
Shenley Neely, Planning Director
- Recommend Board of County Commissioners to hear staff present updated report provided by Administrative Consultants Jordan and Associates on status of the County’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
Ms. Neely gave updated information to the Board provided by Jordan and Associates on the status of the County’s CDBG Program.
It was requested by the Commissioners for Ms. Neely to have all Jordan and Associates representatives attend the next meeting and Atty. Brown review the Agreement to determine what options the Board has.
- Request Board approval and authorize Chair to sign agreement between Levy County and GSE Engineering, Inc. The purpose of the Scope of Services and Agreement is to provide Supplemental Geotechnical Site Evaluation Services related to a failing septic tank drainfield of a single family residential property that has been qualified and has received rehabilitation construction under the County’s Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). – TABLED –
Anne Bast Brown
Request to authorize the County Attorney to initiate injunction action against owners and operators of 212 Club to cease a commercial use in a residential district and cease any other violations of Levy County Code.
Comm. Meeks reported all agreements have been signed between the North Florida Broadband and Affinity.
Comm. Bell gave an update on the RESTORE Act.
Mr. Moody added there is a RESTORE Act Committee meeting today at 3:00 P.M. in the Board meeting room.
Comm. Bell stated the dedication of the Veterans Memorial Wall in the lobby was well attended.
The meeting recessed at 10:26 A.M.
The meeting reconvened at 10:45 A.M.
Comm. Bell stated some of the items on the list are not Capital Improvement items. Some have already been approved or budgeted. The purpose of the list is to give the Commissioners an idea of where they are with the budget.
Supervisor of Elections – not budgeted
The Board discussed the purchase of Election Equipment as had been provided by Tammy Jones. The agreed by consensus to have Atty. Brown review the agreement and bring to the next Board meeting for approval.
Transit Department – not budgeted
Connie Conley spoke to the Board regarding the need for additional office space as well as additional maintenance space.
Automobile Purchases – budgeted items
Animal Control – 1 4 x 4 truck
County Agent – 1 4 x 4 truck
Development – 2 SUV’s
Parks/Mosquito Control – 1 4 x 4 truck
Road – 3 4 x 2 trucks
Development Department – not budgeted
Bill Hammond stating the greatest need for his department is a generator. The cost of a generator the size needed would run between $25,000-$50,000. The Development Department is also in need of more space, which would cost about $120,000, a new copy machine, which would cost about $7,500, computers and a zoning map which could cost as much as $25,000.
Emergency Management
Mr. Johnson requested Board approval to purchase eight (8) tablets for the County’s Damage Assessment Team with Homeland Security Grant funds in the amount of $799.99 each from Best Buy.
Mr. Johnson stated he would like to purchase Emergency Operation Center Chairs and Workstation Lighting using Duke Energy Funds. The cost would be $12,367.37 from OEC.
Mr. Johnson requested Board approval to purchase conference tables and storage cabinets using Duke Energy Funds from Morgan Office Center in the amount of $3,442.64.
Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the purchases for Emergency Management as presented. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES.
Planning – not budgeted
Shenley Neely stated there were several items needed for the Planning Department:
Geographical Informational System (GIS) workstation; $5,000
GIS Plotter; $8,000
Building/Office space; approximately 300 sq. ft. per employee; 4 full time employees
Vehicle for SHIP Department; $20,000
Public Safety – budgeted items
Mr. Knowles stated the projected cost of remodeling CDPS Fire Station #2 would be $35,000 and would utilize EMS Impact Fee funds.
Mr. Knowles referred to items planned for this budget year and spoke of modification of a modular building which is being donated by the School Board and will be placed at property which can be leased at CR 336 and CR 345. The property owner is only looking for the yearly property taxes to be paid. This would facilitate the Otter Creek, Fowlers Bluff and Rosewood areas. With the Board’s approval, the lease agreement can be done. The amount of $26,300 has been budgeted for Capital Improvements for this year.
Comm. Stevens made a motion to approve the item as presented. Second was made by Comm. Joyner and the MOTION CARRIES. Comm. Johnson votes NO.
Other projects will include improvements to other stations such as replacing roofs. These projects will be done over the next five (5) years.
Mr. Knowles stated he is planning to staff a 7th transport unit in the Fanning Springs area. One this can be done, he will then split the Bronson Station by placing one of their units in the Morriston area. There is a building next to the Fire Station in Morriston which can be remodeled and used for living quarters. The cost would be about $35,000.
After speaking to the Fire Chief in Fanning Springs they are willing to provide a space in which a double wide mobile home can be placed. With the Board’s approval, a double wide mobile home can be acquired by a donation from Air Methods. There will be $12,500 from the Impact Fee Funds to establish the mobile home as an EMS Station.
After question by Dana Sheffield of the cost for the 7th transport, Mr. Knowles responded the total cost for the unit, including staffing, utilities, certifications and training will be $468,000. Mr. Knowles explained what he has requested for now is to move forward with establishing the facility itself.
Comm. Stevens made a motion to allow Mr. Knowles to move forward with the Fanning Springs item as requested. Second was made by Comm. Johnson and the MOTION CARRIES.
Comm. Meeks made a motion to allow improvements to be made for living quarters at the Morriston Fire Station. Second was made by Comm. Stevens and the MOTION CARRIES.
Parks & Recreation – not budgeted
Matt Weldon spoke to the Board concerning the Waccasassa Channel Markers. The cost to replace the markers would be around $30,000 – $40,000.
The Board agreed by consensus to allow Mr. Weldon to move forward with this item and obtain RFP’s.
Road Department – not budgeted
Mr. Moody stated he was informed by the City Manager from the City of Williston they are doing some work at the Williston Airport. Through surveys, it was determined there were two county roads: NE 170th Avenue and NE 20th Street, which are partially on airport property. The total acreage is about 5.4 acres and the FAA has placed a value of about $43,200 for the property. Rather than buying the property from the City of Williston, Mr. Moody stated an alternative is to trade out the amount by resurfacing two nearby roads, with the approval of the Board.
The Board agreed by consensus for Mr. Greenlee to work on a trade-out with Williston.
Mr. Greenlee stated the quotes received for budgeted vehicle purchases had been received and White Ford offered the best price.
Mr. Greenlee stated they have been having some trouble with the trimming equipment and would rather make a purchase of a trimming tractor than the earlier planned purchases of other equipment. The expected amount to purchase a trimming tractor would be about $100,000.
It was agreed by the Board to have Mr. Greenlee get prices for a trimming tractor.
Construction/Maintenance – not budgeted
Mr. Shipp brought to the Commissioners attention, the safety issue with the Civil Department and the lack of space on the court side of the building.
Mr. Shipp stated improvements are needed such as space, expansion, and wiring, but if it is decided by the Board to build a new facility, these improvements can wait.
Mr. Jones states an estimated cost to remodel the Civil Department of the Clerk’s office would be around $30,000.
Mr. Jones stated an estimated cost to replace the old windows in the building would be around $75,000.
The estimated cost to replace the back-up generator for the Courthouse and wiring for the building would be around $225,000.
Mr. Jones discussed the need for an upgrade of the freight elevator and stated the replacement cost would be $195,000. The entrance doors for the building are in need of replacement and this estimated cost would be $10,000.
Mr. Jones recommended a stand-alone storage unit for the courthouse. This could be built at the Landfill. A 50 x 90 building could be constructed for a cost of $16,800.
The Commissioners discussed the proposed Courthouse property purchase. The Commissioners agreed by consensus to designate $25,000 to get a site plan done for a new courthouse on the 21 acres which had previously been purchased for this purpose.
Ag. Department
Mr. Fuller spoke to the Board concerning the need for expansion of the conference room at the Ag. Center.
Automobile Purchases
The vehicles listed below have been budgeted for purchase this fiscal year:
Animal Control – 1 4 x 4 truck
County Agent – 1 4 x 4 truck
Development – 2 SUV’s
Parks/Mosquito Control – 1 4 x 4 truck
Road – 3 4 x 2 trucks
Sheila Rees stated to the Board some other Courthouse issues which will need to be addressed:
Fleet management Air conditioning systems
Air conditioning systems Carpeting
UPS Backup Water Systems (Manatee and University Oaks)
Electrical Issues Lighting in the courthouse
The Commissioners agreed to review the issues and discuss further at the next meeting which items could be taken care of first.
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Clerk of Court, Danny J. Shipp Chairman, Ryan Bell